Search results

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    Property Trust, Cholla

    The Cholla Bay land trust issues has finally taken a turnfor the better… I hope. The current newsletter from the Cholla HOA had a very interesting article pertaining to thislong standing problem, and over the weekend I was able to meet with thearticles author. It was certainly refreshing and...
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    Shopping in Penasco - a lot of fun

    Jim Bob, you must be a real HOOT at parties....
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    el golfo run

    Alot depends on the time of year, and what you're planning to do when you get there. I've done the run 3 times, twice before the road was complete, my last time the road was complete. Loaded up my rail and Rhino on a trailer and made it a day trip. It was the weekend before Easter and was...
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    Mañana-itis is a Mexican Epidemic

    Manana-itis....har! ...this condition is as old as the hills, and has been talked about endlessly. If I'm not mistaken it was a few years ago that some Mexican nationals and American transplants decided to get together and get this worked out once and for all. Lock themselves in a room and...
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    I"m more interested in seeing what an influential homeless guy that can live in your house and protect you from the Mandujano looks like, or where you can find them. Eduardo, why the hostility? Getting some questions answered is one thing, but to inquire and respond the way you have is not...
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    What else is in Cholla Bay besides JJ's?

    Allow me to restate that. "I wouldn't eat them."
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    What else is in Cholla Bay besides JJ's?

    The thing with Cholla is that the people there are ( mostly ) owners so you're not going to see the hussle and bussle of trying to get everything into a weekend. It started as and for the most part is a fishing community, and most of the people know one another. I always try and make down to...
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    colledge students discovered new way to get drunk faster

    I think the bigger question is what the heck were you searching for when you came across this article. Oh, and Mexi-Joe being that your decision was not to be in fraternity gives your opinion zero credibility. I joined a fraternity and while I'll agree that some decisions weren't thought...
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    Diaper Alert!

    Rosie, Are they needing these diaper brought in from out of town, or are there diapers availible in PP, just not the money to purchase them? I wouldn't mind stopping by where ever to pre-purchase some for the cause, I just don't have the room to bring them with me.
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    Directv Help

    That is so nice of you Disney, thanks. We got a hold of Margret yesterday and she's looking into as well, if we go with Memo I'll be sure and give plenty of notice. If nothing else I'd like to introduce myself to you, and get to know some more of the my Cholla neighbors.
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    Directv Help

    Thanks for the info Brokenwave, I'll check with Joe. Disney, appreciate it. He's okay going to Cholla, and "Memo" that's his name and call him when I get there, or before I go?
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    Directv Help

    Anyone have contact info for someone to do an install in Cholla Bay?
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    Wanted to buy golf cart

    No problem, probably won't be back down again until the end of October. When I'm down I'll get some better pictures, and the other information for you.
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    Wanted to buy golf cart

    Sweeny, we're planning on being down the last weekend this month, if you want to come a take a look. Let me know and I'll e-mail you the address and directions.
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    Wanted to buy golf cart

    Just sent a pic for you. I'm sorry but I don't really have detailed pictures, but like I said before if this is what you're looking for I'll be down October sometime. Simple info, Yamaha brand, besides the suspension upgrade it's stock.
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    Wanted to buy golf cart

    PM me your e-mail address and I'll send you a pic, if it's what you're looking for I'll get you the specs.
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    Wanted to buy golf cart

    I have one that I kepp in Cholla that I might be interested in selling, thing is I probably won't be down until Ocotober sometime. If your still on the hunt I'll shot you a message to come take a look at it.
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    Las Conchas Theft Alert.

    "Las Conchas theft"......isn't that an oxymoron?
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    After 45 Years I'm Wondering is there Value is in RP?

    C'mon Russ, you pretty much live there, you've figured the in's and out's of the place. You're not taking in what the OP is trying to convey. He's not slamming RP, he's giving his point of view for what it's like for people who visit once or maybe twice a year, at most. And I agree with alot...
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    Thunder on the beach a few pics from Feb 19th 2012

    Went to the Thunder event, and for the most part it was a good time. If there were any room for improvment I guess it would have to be keeping the spectators informed of what's going on and when. Maybe it's just how the drags are run, I don't know. Just seemed to be alot of standing around...