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    There's always the possibility that it might've been the HOA calling to make sure you're following the rules.
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    Sandy Beach access

    Over the weekend the wife and I got on the Rhino and cruised the fence line starting at the four way where the launch the ultra-lights to the first resort. There's a couple places you could sneak in and the only gate entrance was secured with rope. I guess the real question is, what would they...
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    ProAlliance Insurance

    Rosy, first off my condolences for your recent loss's, I had my brother and my father pass away within months of each other and you are correct, things stop. But, it's clear you understand life must go on. Speaking for myself, I hope you can appreciate how these dust-ups can really put some...
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    De La Rosas

    Wonderful, another Penasco Fiasco. Going through similar bank and property trust issues in Cholla, this really doesn't surprise me. Roberto and ADR thank you for your honest feedback, I'll pass it along to my friends so they'll at least be aware. Also, just thinking about it and taking a...
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    De La Rosas

    Have some friends looking to purchase a place in this gated development. It's located among some other similar developments behind Sam's Club area. Anyone know anything about these, is it a nice rainbows and lollipop type of place, or some kind of weigh-station for the drug cartels?
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    Lanna Nicole R.I.P.

    Man that's tough, life lessons learned the hard way. Glad they didn't have energy drinks when I was her age. Rosy regarding the financial obligation this girls parents are facing, and I've seen it happen before, does your company have any policy that can be purchased to help avoid, or at...
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    Propane In Cholla

    Since I started this thread I know many of you have been on the edge of your seats wondering and hoping that at some point you will finally know the truth behind the propane purchasing requirement that has nearly shook Cholla Bay as well as its residents to their core. Your wait is over, rumors...
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    Propane In Cholla

    Thanks Roberto, this is a stationary mounted tank used for the whole house, water heater, stove/oven. Don't know what gallon capacity it is but 3 feet diameter and 6 feet long, so no loading it in the truck and getting it filled.
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    Propane In Cholla

    Last time we were down we had pretty much exhausted our propane, but being as we were leaving we thought we'd just wait and fill it when we come back for Memorial weekend. In the mean time we've been talking to some neighbors that informed us that the gas guys won't put in $80-$100 dollars...
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    Property Trust, Cholla

    It won't, this is for the residents who have purchased their property but have yet to receive their trust. We are going on our 10th year of waiting for this transaction to be completed. Oddly there are numerous residents who have purchased property recently and have trust in hand. Power to...
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    Property Trust, Cholla

    Paul, below is movement that is being put together by a Cholla resident to help other residents like you and me to get their trust finalized. Believe me you're not the only one going through this. The more people involved in this the better. "Good morning, it had been a while since I had...
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    Cutoff Time - The Bewitching Hour

    Dang mis2810, you either live on the way west side of Phoenix, or drive like a Mad Max. I've never made it to the turn off in 3 1/2 hours and I'm pretty heavy on the gas. But it's interesting you bring this up. I always prefered to drive at night, to me it seems to make the drive quicker...
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    Cleared browser & cookies, still having the same problem. I'll have my I.T. guy take a look and...

    Cleared browser & cookies, still having the same problem. I'll have my I.T. guy take a look and see what he thinks. If the other member figures it out let me know. thanks again.
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    Stuart, Bob Oso here. Can you please advise me on what I may be doing wrong? I can navigate...

    Stuart, Bob Oso here. Can you please advise me on what I may be doing wrong? I can navigate the site fine but I can't post on a thread, yet I can leave this message. thanks...
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    Tyler, Bob Oso here, can navigate the site fine, just can't post or reply. Am I doing some...

    Tyler, Bob Oso here, can navigate the site fine, just can't post or reply. Am I doing some thing wrong?
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    Property Trust, Cholla

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    Alejandro Portugal Insurance

    Thanks Rosy, We'll be in touch with you mid next week.
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    Alejandro Portugal Insurance

    Rosy, what's the best time and way to get a hold of you. We'll be down all next week and want to meet with about insuring our place in Cholla.
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    El Gringo Loco Busted!

    Rick, Have you ever spoken with the Kubis's? This dust up between them has been in the making for years, and it was only a matter of time. Having experienced first hand Gringos' mannerisms, I have no doubt who escalated the confrontation.
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    Property Trust, Cholla

    Roberto, I just have the hard copy, I'm not sure they link it to their site, but there is more to it than what's on thier website. "Sketchy" yep, that probably the best way to sum it up. It's been ten years now since we've purchased our property, and I was told there are people that have...