Search results

  1. B

    What do you do for a living?

    I am the current owner of a third generation family business, Est.1960. I distribute, convert and fabricate foam, plastic and rubber products. I also created a line of proprietary products that cater to food and hospitality industires. My products as well as the components I make for my...
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    Person killed visiting from Juarez?

    I agree with Stuart, a kidnapping or hit, this is where they thought was the best to execute their plan?
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    Old site -- who purchased it

    Okay, I'll say it for Josh & Steve......thanks grandma!
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    Highest Tide

    Who ever can, take some pictures...please. I've seen go up the first couple steps at JJ's, and that just been in the past year or so. Now the first landing on the steps would be something to see.
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    memorial weekend accident

    Joe, Haven't seen you on the board latley, hope all is going well.
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    Not okay to bring your own beer?

    Ink's right, they'll get you at the border, Mexico side coming in. I've been taged a few times. They won't make you pour it out, they'l just ask you to contribute the "On duty protrol person monetary releif fund" contribution are always negotiable. Just be polite but firm, and most...
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    We have a new rockypointtalk member!

    Ahhh...adorable, congrats to you and the miss's. Aiden, namesake after anyone, or did you just like the name?
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    Where to buy a house in Arizona- possibly in the mountains, close to the border

    Patagonia definatley, one of the most beuatiful area's in Az. The proximity to the Nogales border would be somethng to consider, but I'm sure you could locate in an area where you wouldn't be effected. I'm not sure what the comute time would be to RP, but I wold imagine alot less then from...
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    Rosy, I've Got Some Insurance Questions

    Rosy, and everyone else thanks for your responses. And Rosy I particulary like the fact of when going through your company is that you are to be called first. With whats been going on lately, to many of my freinds are listening to the hype. I know they'd feel alot better knowing that if...
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    Rosy, I've Got Some Insurance Questions

    In my circle of friends, when ever the topic of Mexico comes up they turn to my wife or I for advise. I had a few thrown out at me the other night and want to make sure that what I'm saying is correct. These are friends that go a few times a year and usually buy their insurance at any one of...
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    Penasco Police Chief Landagaray critical after ambush

    You read it just fine BG, it's near impossible to answer or ask a question when you basicly have no idea what you're talking about.
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    memorial weekend accident

    Wow I had no idea. I don't live too far away from St.Joes so if there's anything you need or something I could do for you please let me know, I'd be more than happy to do it. As for your Yami, I would suggest posting it on a site called those people are legit riders and...
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    Memories of driving to Rocky Point with Dad

    Hold-on a scecond, I need to get some pop corn.
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    memorial weekend accident

    Joe I'm so glad to hear your injuries were'nt any worse. I think it was last week when I asked you what type of bike you were bringing down, and when you stated a YZ125, it sorta sent shivers down my back. I race motocross here in AZ and one of the most common used phrases is "dress for the...
  15. B

    It won't make national news

    Right there with ya Vanesse, Bob Oso's annual guys trip is this weekend. A weekend full of debauchery, bad jokes and good times. We'll be staying at the Las Polamas, so this is your only warning. Normally I'd advise you to keep your doors locked, and not let your daughters out at night, but...
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    What Kind Of Gas Do You Get?

    He's right, any fuel in the jugs, but I wasn't paying the tax. It was the first time in a while they had their hand out for what I call the "down low" tax. Any way, I'm not planning on bringing bought fuel anymore now that I know the octane level will work for my toys. And thanks agian...
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    What Kind Of Gas Do You Get?

    Thanks for explaining it to me. How did I come up with $8.00, stupidly... 12 pesos per dollar- 91 pesos per liter- 91 divided by 12 = +/- 8 You may now laugh at me......
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    What Kind Of Gas Do You Get?

    Not sure if I am reading that right...are you saying it's $8.00 american for a liter of fuel?
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    What Kind Of Gas Do You Get?

    I usually bring fuel ( super unleaded ) with me for my toys when coming down. Last time I came they tagged me at the border, and ended up paying. Do you guys that live down there think the fuel purchased in town has the same octane level as fuel purchased state side? Should I be adding a...
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    Kelly Disney talks about Fans of Rocky Point

    How funny, Kelly worked for me as a bookeeper for a short time last year, didn't work out too well but I 'm glad to see she's doing something that she enjoys.