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  1. B

    Sending myself money

    Stick to sniffing butt perro, because grammar is still kicking yours.
  2. B

    Border times Memorial day

    Went through Tuesday 5/29, +/- 1:00 p.m. , hour and 15 minutes wait. Played golf on Monday @ Las Polamas and noticed Monday it seemed there was just as many people buzzing around as there was over the weekend.
  3. B

    Sending myself money

    Simmer down hot plate....It's nothing to me, and neither are you. Perhaps you could use some of that money and get a grammar lessons on how to formulate a sentence.
  4. B

    Sending myself money

    I may be mistaken, but wasn't it Stuart who created a thread on this about a year+ ago. The bank he worked at designed a way for money to be transferred between the US and Mexico with little cost and little hassle.
  5. B

    Insurance for ATV

    Just to help confuse you a little more, these responses are from two different types of dynamics when in Rocky Point. One, the weekender that visits numerous times through out the year, and the other a permanent resident. So depending on what you do when you're there, could go either way. I...
  6. B

    Insurance for ATV

    As a daily driver, probably not the best of ideas. But all depends what your driving habits are while there. To answer your question, ideally...yes. Mandatory, not so much. Stay off the main roads as much as possible, reasonable speeds, prudent driving, you'll be fine. Keep your money...
  7. B

    Cholla Bay water and sewer update

    "Do what you say you're going to do." Ain't that the damn truth. Regrettably it can only be applicable by the honor of the individuals saying them. Having met Mr. Dugan I don't envy the situation that has been dumped in his lap, but I'm not at all surprised in his attentiveness to this...
  8. B

    You Won't Like Mexico When It's Mad

    Jerry, Scroll up and read PintoPoint's comment again. My feeling is that Mexico is a lot more dependent on the American dollar than America is on Mexico's. Property expropriations would in many cases be vacation, 2nd homes, investment property. Kick in the gut, but survivable. Sorta reminds...
  9. B

    You Won't Like Mexico When It's Mad

    "Racism"...always need to get that word in to prove a poorly constructed analogy of the situation. Whatever of the parties ends up in charge couldn't get a lunch order together much less organize some sort of NAFTA retaliation plan. Reading the article, I'm just not following what the threat...
  10. B

    Weather This Weekend

    Aye' Curumba...Thinking I may be heading north instead of south this go around. Geeze, sideways might even be better. Same as me Stuart, did a B-day party one August years ago, stayed in a resort though. Think I'll check back in October sometime.
  11. B

    Weather This Weekend

    Coming down for the holiday weekend, what's the weather been like, still hot, humid, or maybe cooling off a little.
  12. B

    Bank Trust in Cholla

    After 16+ years of basically being ignored by the people that were supposed to do this, Tavane McCombs just got ours pushed through too. Gotta to give it up to her, she did a great job, and knows her business.
  13. B

    The Elephant in the Room...THE WALL

    So what about withholding taxes from their paychecks? Under the table pay was certainly know to happen, but for all your praises, you're no better than exploiting them for your own greed. Not to mention stiffing the people who do pay their fair share in taxes.
  14. B

    Dancing? Early 20 something's group

    I must say that you've picked a interesting time to go, especially for your first time. You're pretty much on the cusp of the weather transition from hot to becoming brutal, it could go either way. There no doubt will be people ( your age group ), but not nearly as many as if you had planned...
  15. B

    Who else will be down for Memorial weekend?

    You're a brave man to be on the road Friday & Monday. No so much the drive as the border wait you'll be doing.
  16. B

    Mattress needed for family

    Not going to down until Memorial weekend, but I could help them out. Plus some other things I'd be more than happy to part with to help make their home-a-home. I'll check back on here the 24th if they're still looking.
  17. B

    Real Estate observations

    Not surprised, just sold my golf cart to a couple that put earnest money down on a place in Cholla. Spent weeks going back and forth and gaining nothing, besides headaches. Just last weekend, got their money back and went to Las Conchas and put it down on a condo. Hope it works out for them...
  18. B

    Cholla bay ....what a tale!

    I've heard this too. What I've also heard, but have not confirmed is if Cholla was turned into an island it would somehow change the status or zoning of the area and nullify the trust that are currently in place in Cholla. Again, not confirmed, and not sure what the federal law is regarding...
  19. B

    The Elephant in the Room...THE WALL

    What might be a good course of action for Mexico and its citizens is stop agonizing over the effects of the policies that the new administration is imposing, and maybe start focusing on the corruption that runs the Mexican government.
  20. B

    Crime - Surprised it isn't here yet...

    Stuart, I think what Roberto is alluding to is it's fine to have a bat, but make sure you have two of them.