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  1. B

    Leave your guns at home

    Every time I browse through this section as see this thread ( the title ), the Johnny Cash song keeps playing through my head.
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    Wow....Never met him in person, but felt like I knew him just by posting on this forum. A truly great contributor to this board, he will be missed. Gods Speed Roberto.
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    CanAm or Jeep

    If you're planning on leaving the toy in Mex. Fuel additive Sta-bil for storage is your friend. Use it in every drop of gas you put in the vehicle.
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    CanAm or Jeep

    A lot of factors to consider in making the choice between the two. Four seater, durability, not getting stuck, the UTV for sure. But if your going to be using it a night too, an enclosure makes a difference. Next, is it going to be kept it at your place or trailer back and forth. If...
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    To All...

    World conflict...tenants of communism...totalitarianism? What are you even talking about? Is the social distancing really that bad there? Tyler, thanks for stopping by and lowering the boom, it needed to be done. I can't even recall the last time something was posted that stayed on topic...
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    Bodies Found

    rplarry is between the lines Beto. Your viewpoints are probably shared and agreed with by many, but your diction and form of delivery is slightly less than pretentious for a message board dedicated to the goings on of Rocky Point.
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    Bodies Found

    From aholes to drug cartels?
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    Bodies Found

    Dang, see things haven't eased up much since Friday, including what appears to be some kind manifesto. Kenny, I can't for the life of me figure out the reason for your relentless anger. Also find it hard to believe a few political barbs tossed about has you straight off the rails. And what's...
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    Bodies Found

    Full blown TDS....."Don't believe it, Good for you!".......LOL
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    Bodies Found

    Yeah right....the house dems can't even agree on what bathroom to use. Realistic preventative measures seems like a bit of a stretch.
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    Moving to Rocky Point

    Yes, the article said you can live in P.P. @ $400 month. They left out the part about it being in the streets. Anyway, if your heart is set on living in the The Big P.P., you would probably be better off buying a livable camper in the states, towing to P.P., and living out of that for a while...
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    Port ready yet?

    Anyone know of anyone that has actually signed up for this.... ♪ ♫ 3 hour tour ♫ ..... ♪3 hour tour♫
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    Port ready yet?

    So they bus them in from Phoenix and Tucson, and then what, drop them on the beach at the Wrecked with all their luggage. Every cruise I've been on went through checking in and security stages before I even stepped foot on the ship. I don't recall seeing any structure being made for that...
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    Encantame Towers, Playa Encanto

    mm-hmm, then why such the hard push on the project. Hope you are being honorable, but history dictates something else. Word of advice for joining this forum, probably best you do a little toe-dabbing around here first before trying to make the big splash.
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    Anybody But Me Been Hearing This Ad on the Radio???

    Cool....what's the best way to get a hold of you?
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    Anybody But Me Been Hearing This Ad on the Radio???

    Russ, You ever build in Cholla, we're looking to put in a fence around the property.
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    What are the chances the Gov't will close Lukeville?

    Just an update for those interested. My wife decided to head to Cholla for a couple days with her mother and sister Monday 26th. Southbound, arrived at Lukeville +/-3:30pm, passed through with a simple spot check by the agents, then on their way. Came back yesterday, Wednesday 28th, arrived...
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    Chari Ainsworth, our Lady Jeeper.

    Gods speed Chari. I never had the chance to meet her, and only new her through this board and her posts. But the quality that I most noticed about her was how she projected the simple joy of spending time in Rocky point. She will be missed.
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    Should we move this webpage to a Facebook group?

    For the sake of your poll, yes I have a FB account, and no I don't use it. Had my marketing guy make it just for my business when having all the social media platforms tagged to your website was some kind of status thing. I looked at it once years ago. I'm sure it's a valuable tool for those...
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    You're a good man Jerry, way to step up!! Too many people these days don't want to get involved for what ever reason. I'm sure your efforts as well as the lady's were appreciated. God Speed to Erick, and condolences to his family.