Search results

  1. Seadweller

    Three reasons why I Love Rocky Point

    Kayaking big waves... watching pelicans dive bombing sardines... and being surrounded by dolphins while on my kayak...
  2. Seadweller

    Funky Fish

    and Stuff from the Bottom of the Sea... From left to right starting at the top row the photos are: 1. School of Spade fish 2. Brown Urchin 3. Cortez Round Stingray 4. Rainbow Wrasse (Secondary Male) this fish was born female and changed its sex due to lack of males during spawning season...
  3. Seadweller

    Puerto Lobos is for the birds

    Leaky Little Boat in Puerto Lobos... This video is for the birds...
  4. Seadweller

    Mark Mulligan & Sam Rainwater concert website

    Here is a link for a website with the info about the Mark Mulligan & Sam Rainwater :usa: CheeseBurgers for Charity Concert :mexico:
  5. Seadweller

    Mexican Moonshine Circus Mexicus 2011

    Rogr Clyne & The Peacemakers Mexican Moonshine Circus Mexicus 2011
  6. Seadweller

    Full Moon Sunrise

    On the morning of May 17, 2011 as we are leaving port at 5:30am we were able to watch the full moon setting on the western skyline over the Sea of Cortez a.k.a. Gulf of California, just as the :sunny: was beginning to rise and light up the clouds on the eastern horizon...
  7. Seadweller

    Bird Island Slide Show

    If anyone is interested we are planning our Memorial Weekend Bird Island Trip for Saturday May 28, 2011... Boat leaves the dock at 8:00am $55.00 per person BYOBeer & Gear... sea U there...
  8. Seadweller

    Happy Easter

    :bunny: Wishing a Very Happy Easter to all my peeps... :cluck: My other Peeps
  9. Seadweller

    Sewing Class Graduation Photos

    Monday April 18, 2011 we held a graduation ceremony for the latest sewing and quilting class at La Esperanza Para Nueva Vida A.C. community center. This is just one of the many ways we are working with the community to help them learn skills to better their lives.... Thanks to Blanca for all...
  10. Seadweller

    The Boats that made Penasco famous...

    Just some more shrimp boats...
  11. Seadweller

    Employed at Bodega Aurrera

    This is just a great story I wanted to share with all of you... This past sunday morning a group of us from "La Esperanza Para Nueva Vida A.C." community center were at Balboa's for one of our "Sunday Morning Breakfast Club" get togethers... We usually just chit chat about the weekend and go...
  12. Seadweller

    15 Great Years....

    My How Time Flys... March 15, 1996 we were unloading the last truckload of our belongings and starting a new adventure in our lives... it's been 15 years of FUN on the BEACH, in the SEA, and under the SUN...Thank You, Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) Mexico...
  13. Seadweller

    Sad news on the passing of a forum member

    Our friend and fellow member of this forum Robert Barnes a.k.a. "bahiatrader" has passed away... as his wife Tammy said on his Facebook page "Bob is on a trip to a happier place" RIP my friend...
  14. Seadweller

    Fin Whales Jan. 26, 2011 Fin Whales a.k.a. Finback Whales in the Sea of Cortez Rocky Point Puerto Penasco, Mexico... Fin Whales are the second largest creature on this planet next to the Blue whale... they can reach the length of 70 feet and weight of 70,000 pounds at...
  15. Seadweller

    40 Computers

    Happy New Year Everyone... I've been AWOL from the forum for a while been working with my friend from KUCI... We have recently been blessed with a fantastic donation of 40 computers for the schools and community center... but as always we are in need of assistance with transporting them to...
  16. Seadweller

    Report from Dec. 5, 2010 This is from our fishing adventure on Sunday Dec. 5... Music by Johnny Kita, Fish found by Rick Hammer, Video shot by Jose Adolfo Perez Leon with his cellphone, Editting done by me... "A Whale of a Day" <-- hint, hint
  17. Seadweller

    Radio Show from KUCI Irvine Ca.

    I will be on the air at 8:00am Pacific (9:00am Phoenix) tomorrow from KUCI Irvine, Orange County talking about Rocky Point and helping out in the community at La Esperanza Para Nueva Vida A.C. the Adopt-A-Classroom of Puerto Penasco and future plans with the host of the show John Klug who I have...
  18. Seadweller

    Puerto Lobos More Photos A photo slide show from our visit to Puerto Lobos after the Thanksgiving Pot-Luck...
  19. Seadweller

    Dolphin Stampede This was on the return trip from the island aboard the 96' PACIFICA on the "2nd Annual Rocky Point Talk Thanksgiving Bird Island Adopt-A-Classroom of Puerto Penasco Fund Raiser" along with having a ton of FUN and catching plenty of fish for the events...
  20. Seadweller

    Rocky Point Rally 2010

    Saturday Nov. 6, 2010 on the malecon for the Rally...