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  1. Seadweller

    Feliz Navidad

    We had a great time at the "Esparanza Para Nueva Vida" Community Center Christmas Party for the children... I have a ton of video footage from the party but this moment is my favorite.... click the sun --> :sunny:
  2. Seadweller

    New Years Eve Party?

    "RockyPointJoe" had asked what everyone was doing for New Years? How about a Clam Bake? or Maybe a New Years Eve Party aboard the PACIFICA? here is a video of the prep for the clam chowder for the fish fry we had on Saturday November 28, 2009...
  3. Seadweller

    First Annual Bird Island Party Trip

    This is just a short video of the "First Annual Day After Thanksgiving Bird Island Party Trip" I was busy having too much fun visiting and talking with everyone rather sticking a camera in their faces... click the boat--> :boat: This had to be the greatest Thanksgiving weekend, we had a...
  4. Seadweller

    ever seen a Mexican Lookdown?

    Have you ever seen a Mexican Lookdown? I mean the fish? It is classified with the Jacks family of fishes, and is supposed to be found only in the lower gulf... Well guess what... they are up at the top as well... here is a photo of a little one... they can grow to about a foot in length...
  5. Seadweller

    more of the same...

    the weekend of 11/21/09 fishing on Saturday click the fish--> :fish: snorkeling on Sunday click it again--> :fish:
  6. Seadweller

    Bird Island Friday November 27

    I know this is a short notice but if anyone that will be down here for Thanksgiving would like to go to the island I can get us a private charter aboard the 60 foot ABOUT TIME for the unheard of price of $650.00 for up to 20 people... This would be a bare boat trip... BYOB... we could bring...
  7. Seadweller

    Octopus in Cholla Bay

    sorry this starts off blurry but it gets better... this little guy was stranded on the exposed sandy bottom of Choya Bay as the tide went out... Part 1 the rescue 2:09 click this thing--> :pinkie: after reviving this octopus, I found it a clam shell it could call it's very own... Part 2...
  8. Seadweller

    Trick or Treat

    this is funny... aren't you happy that after you eat candy corn, it doesn't come out whole...
  9. Seadweller

    How long will scadeSate last

    How long do you think it will take for him to get banned?
  10. Seadweller

    Bird Island

    I just can't get enough of playing with the sealions at the island... click the boat--> :boat: 10 minute tour of the island, with the original sounds... click the fish--> :fish:
  11. Seadweller

    Jack-O-Lanterns go to the Dogs

    Holloween for Dogs
  12. Seadweller

    Leopard Sharks research

    I am doing some research for Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego on the movements and population structure of Leopard Sharks. We are trying to find out more about the Mexico population, especially the apparently small population in the Sea of Cortez a.k.a. Gulf of California. Our...
  13. Seadweller

    Orionid Meteor Shower Peaks Overnight

    Get Out: Orionid Meteor Shower Peaks Overnight, this should be great to watch from the beach... The Orionid meteor shower is expected to put on a good show tonight into the predawn hours Wednesday...
  14. Seadweller

    Rocky Point Rumble

    No it's not a fight, it's the music and some clips from the summer... click the boat--> :boat:
  15. Seadweller

    Family Fun

    Family Fun fishing and snorkeling aboard CUATES This is an amazing family, the father is Viet Namese and speaks with a heavy accent, the mother is Hispanic and also has a strong accent, and often spoke to the girls in spanish. And the girls were incrediblly smart for their age... (they are...
  16. Seadweller

    Rooster fish

    Someone recently asked if Rooster fish are being caught in Rocky Point? Yes they are we just caught one today on a sibiki while catching bait... actually we were teaching two lovely little girls how to fish and snorkel this morning and one of the girls caught it. I'm kinda busy at the moment...
  17. Seadweller

    Boy in Ballon... Breaking News
  18. Seadweller

    Dog Day at the Beach

    Saturday October 10th was a dog day at the beach... Chucks girl Angel and my boy Boo together on the beach to do what boy and girl dogs do click the sun-->:sunny:
  19. Seadweller

    Halloween Party

    Is anyone coming down for Halloween? If so, bring your kids (or adults are encouraged to act like one) to show our appreciation to all those who have donated to our Adopt-A-Classroom of Rocky Point, we usually throw a Halloween party at our house to give out candy to the kids... we also play...
  20. Seadweller

    Rocky Point On Wheels

    I want to put Rocky Point in Motion but I need your help... There are many people in Rocky Point that are in need of assistance with their mobility... I have access to wheelchairs, crutches, canes, walking casts and other supplies that could make life a lot easier for them to get around...