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  1. Seadweller

    Are you Affraid of Spiders?

    How about Spiders on Drugs? watch this-->
  2. Seadweller

    I think I saw Jesus walking on water

    Don't you think that I know that walking on water won't make me a miracle man...
  3. Seadweller

    Riding Sweet Betty

    Oh sooo Sweet Betty... click the boat--> :boat:
  4. Seadweller

    Falling Star... (brittle star)

    Have you ever seen a Falling Brittle Star? click the fish--> :fish: NOW! New and Improved with ANGELS and 70% more video...
  5. Seadweller

    We've been Fogged

    So I thought I'd Fog You... this is what it looks like if you've never seen Rocky Point get Fogged...
  6. Seadweller

    viva la Mexico... feliz día de la independencia...

    :mexico: have a great day everyone :usa:
  7. Seadweller

    Our visit to the schools

    :usa: :mexico: We had a great day... some of our local friends joined in to lend us a hand to deliver two loads of school supplies to the schools we help out in the barrios... watch this short video... A big portion of the supplies that we...
  8. Seadweller

    "" Free Promotional site

    I have owned the domain "" for about 5 years and well I'm thinking of finally putting it to some use. We started our Adopt-A-Classroom organization and website to give back to the community that had taken us in and made us feel at home here in Rocky Point for the past 14...
  9. Seadweller

    Mutant Fish

    Teenage Mutant Ninga Sargent Major... this short 35 second clip shows a Panamic Sargent Major with a mutation... I've seen many Sargent Majors, but never one like this ... Have you? click the fish --> :fish: thanks for watching...
  10. Seadweller

    New Member

    Are we all impressed with these offers from phoneshop?
  11. Seadweller

    Snorkeling Labor Day Weekend

    If anyone is interested in doing some snorkeling over Labor Day Weekend, Penasco Pirate and I are making plans to do some snorkeling from shore... :boat: Another option... I just received a call from a friend and as an alternate to snorkeling from shore we can book the 60 foot yacht ABOUT...
  12. Seadweller

    Corona Beer AM/PM and 98 KUPD Promote Rocky Point

    get out your air guitars and bring out your inner rockstar... 98 KUPD in conjunction with Corona Beer and AM/PM mini-markets will be running a Rocky Point Water Sport promotional contest, to begin the first week of September. you can check out the whole story and prize details at THE TIDES
  13. Seadweller

    More Night Life

    more of rocky points night life that you don't usually get to see... click the fish --> :fish: thanks for watching...
  14. Seadweller

    Free Shrimp & Crab Diner

    I'll show you where they are you need to catch 'em and cook 'em yourself... click the fish--> :fish: thanks for watching this is my first attempt at night video... hopefully I will get better with time and real equiptment... my underwater videos are shot with an underwater digital still...
  15. Seadweller

    Habitos Pasados

    Old habits are hard to break... this happens every night on the Malecon click the sun --> :sunny: thanks for watchin...
  16. Seadweller

    Rocky Point Fishing Getaway

    check it out... click the fish --> :fish: thanks for watching...
  17. Seadweller

    local fishing for fun aboard About Time

    come along for a boat ride aboard the 60' yacht "ABOUT TIME" and do some local fishin for fun and grins... click the boat --> :boat: thanks for watching...
  18. Seadweller

    My Aquarium

    Someone once called the Sea of Cortez "The Aquarium of the World" can you guess who it was? It's hard to explain how I feel... it won't go in words, but I know that it's real... so I made yet another video... click the fish ---> :fish: thanks for watching...
  19. Seadweller

    How I SeaLife in Rocky Point

    Blue Balls of Pulsating Protoplasm, Staghorn Sponge, Barrel Sponge, Flowing Sea Anenome, Variety of Fishes such as Needlefish, Sargent Majors, Redside Benny, Chubs, Grunts, Pargo Perro (dog snapper) and many more, plus Sunflower Anenome... and all this while I'm holding my breath so you don't...
  20. Seadweller

    Pulp Fishin...

    or was that Pulp Fiction? click the fish :fish: thanks for watching...