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  1. Seadweller

    Memorial Day Weekend Bird Island Trip

    This trip was a fund raiser for the Adopt-A-Classroom of Puerto Penasco, Mexico... Thanks to Mike the owner and Adolfo the Captain of the Pacifica for donating the use of the yacht and the time of the captain and crew, and to all my friends here on the forum who made it possible for us to achive...
  2. Seadweller

    Boobies on the Boat Ride what did you think I was talking about???
  3. Seadweller

    Restriction of Dollars

    Has anyone else heard anything about the possible new law that will restrict the use of dollars in Mexico??? A friend just called and said they heard a report about it on Mexican News... it's a good thing I don't have any dollars, and have been using pesos all the time...
  4. Seadweller

    Kids Are People Too...

    Kids Are People Too... remember Art Linkletter? On a sad note the man behind the show that made kids the stars has passed away in his home today... he was 97 years young... RIP Art Linkletter
  5. Seadweller

    Something Fishy going on here...

    There's something fishy going on here... no worries... I intend to dive in for a deeper look... sea U later...
  6. Seadweller

    1,200 National Guard Troops to U.S.-Mexico Border

    President Obama told Senate Republicans Tuesday that he's read the controversial Arizona immigration law and is concerned it would allow for discrimination -- but is planning to deploy up to 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to allay security concerns. President Obama told...
  7. Seadweller

    Memorial Day Bird Island Trip

    There seems to be interest in a Bird Island trip on Memorial Day... I am talking with the owner of the Pacifica to get his best price so I can turn this into a Fund Raiser for the Schools... so who is interested in going??? This is the boat
  8. Seadweller

    Beautiful Day for Bird Island

    Beautiful day for a ride to Bird Island on Sunday May 16, 2010
  9. Seadweller

    Sad Day for Heavy Metal...

    Yesterday one of my favorite musicians went to play in that Big Rock Band in the Sky... RIP Ronnie James Dio...
  10. Seadweller


    Happy Birthday Tyler...
  11. Seadweller


    Happy Birthday Joe....
  12. Seadweller

    The Fortune Express

    Dine In or Carry Out... there is a comida rápida menu on the wall or you can order ala carte' off of a menu... keep in mind that the menu is spanish translation of mongolian or chinese but if you know words like carnitas, pollo and res all the dishes are basically what you would "sea" in any any...
  13. Seadweller

    A Bunch of Burn Outs Abunch of Burn Outs at the Camel Toe cantina during the First Annual Rocky Point Fun Run Motorcycle Rally... Saturday May 8, 2010...
  14. Seadweller

    Oil spill in the Gulf...

    it's a very sad situation for the people of the Gulf States... I wonder if the US will reconsider that embargo on Mexican shrimp...
  15. Seadweller

    Driving lessons on Dad's lap

    Do you remember those driving lessons you got when you were a kid sitting on dad's lap??? Well they paid off for Dillon and his grandmother...
  16. Seadweller

    Hey Chuck... Happy Birthday Amigo....
  17. Seadweller

    Not all the dust has settled...

    Although it has been 2 weeks since the 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck in the Mexicali area, not all the dust has settled... Thankfully, only a few lives were lost, and my condolences go out to those families... but now in the aftermath of the quake we are faced with another tragedy and many...
  18. Seadweller

    "Rocky Point Challenge" games April 17, 2010

    I have been asked to fill in for one of the contestants that is unable to participate... I would enjoy it if you guys are there to cheer me on, or laugh what ever be the case... Location: SONORAN SEA AND SONORAN SPA RESORTS Have you ever wanted to try out for “Survivor” or “The Amazing...
  19. Seadweller

    First Annual Rocky Point FUN RUN

    The new website has been uploaded... I will be making many updates in the next few days... take a look... but most of all come down for the FUN RUN Motorcycle Rally... May 5 through 9, 2010 and have some fun and spend some money... Our local business sponsors will be donating a percentage of...
  20. Seadweller

    Balboa's Restaurant

    We have been eating at Balboa's for years and I've often heard it said that if you'd like to find a good restaurant "Ask the Locals or watch where they go to eat" I kinda tend to think we are locals after living here 14 years... But this is more of a Thank You than a revue to Lily (owner)...