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  1. Seadweller

    Have you Hugged your Octopus Today???

    This is the first creature we encountered today on this mornings swim... Just Add Saltwater...
  2. Seadweller

    Free Diving with Angels...

    Sea of Cortez Angel Fish... in this video I show both the juvenile and adult stages of my favorite fish to watch in Rocky Point... Just Add Saltwater...
  3. Seadweller

    Back to School...

    It's that time already.... The "Back to School" ads are in the papers and on TV... one of our shoppers (Art Sloane) has been out buying sale items for us and I have been told by a couple of kind ladies here on the forum (Ladyjeeper & fatboyharley) that they have been out doing some shopping for...
  4. Seadweller

    Sleeping Beauty

    Sleeping Beauty...
  5. Seadweller

    Back to the Beach...

    Angel & Boo go Back to the Beach... July 4, 2010...
  6. Seadweller

    Happy Independence Day

    Happy Independence Day to everyone here on the forum... I hope you all have a safe and fun weekend celebrating the Independence of the greatest country in the world and be thankful for the freedom that we all own... God Bless America...
  7. Seadweller

    Changes in the forum...

    Tyler, I see you have been very busy breaking things... I have been noticing many additions to the forum... :thumbsup: Cudos to you... :gradea: Now when Barb yells at me for not getting things done around the house, I can blame it on you, and that I'm spending all my time learning to use the...
  8. Seadweller

    Happy Birthday Jim...

    Hey Jim... Hope you have a Very Happy Birthday Amigo...
  9. Seadweller

    4th of July Sunset Cruise

    I just returned from talking with Julie a.k.a. beachgirl and her husband Bruce, and we were thinking... if anyone else is interested we can all go out on a private sunset cruise on the Pacifica and stay out to watch the fireworks... who all will be coming down for the 4th and who would be...
  10. Seadweller

    Double the Ricks and double the fish

    I was out helping with food distribution on Saturday so I wasn't along on this trip... but Rick H. asked me to come down and get some shots when they got in... and after showing this short video to RIC F. he told me to post it and he would add a report... all I'm thinking is the fish are just...
  11. Seadweller


    Hey everyone... Robert Barnes a.k.a. bahiatrader here on the forum could use our thoughts and prayers... I just saw this post on facebook... Just wanted everyone to know that Bob is in the hospital in ICU for about 3 more days but today was better then yesterday . They can't get the water off...
  12. Seadweller

    Golden Day....

    On friday 6-18-2010, we set out with AZ ROB from here on the forum... Rob was joined by his wife Michelle and his two amigos Joe and Wayne... Rob had booked a full day with us... we were all set up to go out with Rick Hammer, and as an added bonus Rick arranged to take us out on the "Arriba...
  13. Seadweller

    Sea Lion bumps my kayak

    while at the island today a sea lion bumped my kayak while I had a 6 year old boy onboard with me, and his 12 year old brother was able to touch the sea lion on the back just before it swam off... the sound quality is low because this is my underwater camera and it will not pick up sound through...
  14. Seadweller

    a catfish story...

    A guy who lives at Lake Conroe (50 miles north of Houston) saw a ball bouncing around kind ofstrange in the lake and went to investigate. It turned out to be a flathead catfish that had apparently tried to swallow a basketball which became stuck in its mouth!! The fish was totally...
  15. Seadweller

    Circus Mexicus 2010

    here's a song from last nights show... another awesome night of great music and fun...
  16. Seadweller

    Canes, Walkers and Wheelchairs

    This first photo and accompanying email are in this months edition of "Letters to the Editor" in the Rocky Point Times... Hello... I met Tom at the American Legion the other day when I brought over the canes and walkers... as I had said we are able to obtain wheelchairs as well, and this is...
  17. Seadweller

    World Oceans Day...

    Remember tomorrow June 8th, is World Oceans Day... help support your favorite oceanic organization with a donation, spend the day at the beach and most of all pray for a sollution to an end of the flow, and a speedy recovery from the BP oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico... sea U later...
  18. Seadweller

    Another Shooting along the boarder

    Police are at the boarder where two men have been shot and killed... this is in the same place along the boarder where the boarder patrol officer was shot at a few weeks ago... more to follow...
  19. Seadweller

    Big Ass almost bumped into me

    At the island Sunday June 6, 2010, there were stingrays everywhere, and most of the female sea lions were feeding newborn pups, and a big old friend almost bumped into me...
  20. Seadweller

    Old Port Traffic Report

    If you are heading to the Old Port\Malecon area be prepaired to park on the street before the Malecon... the street from Flavios on past the shrimp market is being torn up for renewal of drainage and repaving and is a mess...