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  1. Seadweller

    Batton Down The Hatches Matties...

    Some nasty weather coming through and heading north... windy, rainy, cold and dark gray skies.... brrrrrrrrrrr... and I almost forgot to mention thunder...
  2. Seadweller

    Beach Facts...

    Thoughts from the Beach... little bits of information you'll never really need to know....
  3. Seadweller

    Playa Mira Mar Video Slideshow from Thanksgiving afternoon 2011, during low tide, I'm just checking out the clouds being colored by the Sun, the waves in the Sea and people enjoying another fabulous day at the Beach "Playa Mira Mar"...
  4. Seadweller

    Beach Sea Sun Zoom Test My Review of Canon PowerShot SX230HS Automatic Point & Shoot Digital Camera 12.1 Mega Pixel High Sensitivity CMOS Processor (great for low light shots without flash) 14X Optical Zoom + 4X Digital Zoom = 56X Max Zoom... GPS Locator... Map...
  5. Seadweller

    Childrens Christmas Party Dec. 10th Childrens Christmas Party December 10th at La Esperanza Para Nueva Vida AC Tis the Season... Saturday December 10th is the annual Christmas Party for the children at Esperanza Para Nueva Vida AC community center... We would truly appreciate any and...
  6. Seadweller

    RP Rally 2011 The Video...

    Well here it is... two afternoons of Bikes, Beads and Burnouts from the Malecon... Hope ya like it, it was a great time...
  7. Seadweller

    Rally 2011 Slide Show

    This is a slide show of the photos from the album posted here on the forum with an additional gratuitus butt shot at the end... Coming Soon... I will be posting video of the malecon from Friday and Saturday with bikes, burnouts, bead tossing and more...
  8. Seadweller

    R P Rally 2011 Photos

    This is an album posted here on the forum of the photos of the crowd on the Malecon from saturday, I have tons of video from friday and saturday coming soon... just click the link below... Rocky Point Rally 2011
  9. Seadweller

    20 years and still alive...

    Tonight I said to Barb "Hey Honey... tomorrow (Nov 8) will be our 20th Anniversary... it's amazing we haven't killed one another yet"... and Barb said "don't worry Honey... there's still plenty of time, she'll just have to try a little harder" Love ya Barb... Happy 20th Anniversary....
  10. Seadweller

    Halloween in Rocky Point

    Hope everyone is having a fun night and enjoying Halloween... it has been a fairly busy night at our house, we have had over 60 children and some parents acting as children... the funniest part is they come to our house by the carload like we're on some sort of scavenger hunt map... as the...
  11. Seadweller

    No Guns Allowed

    But you can pick up one of these for about 50 pesos...
  12. Seadweller

    Nasty Dog Fight

    Nasty Dog Fight "Pit Bull" attacked by Mixed Breed Street Dog My Staffordshire Pit Bull Terrior (Boo) got into a vicious fight with my other dog, (Harley) who is a Mixed Breed Mexican Street Dog, which we had rescued and taken in from the streets here in Rocky Point and we had given him a...
  13. Seadweller

    Thinking of Harold...

    For a lot of you out there that have met and know Harold Tuttle (a.k.a. trade here on the forum) if you can take just a moment and say a little prayer for him please... Harold went in for surgery today... it is an elective surgery, but none the less it's still "a surgery"... For those of you...
  14. Seadweller

    Vista de Nada Towers Resort

    Kayak the shores of Cholla Bay stop by and check out Vista de Nada Towers Resort... right on the water in Choya Bay...
  15. Seadweller

    35,000 geoduck clams destroyed

    The reason I am posting this story is because there is a sustainable fishery of geoduck clams southeast of Rocky Point ( I have seen many local diver friends with these clams and I was also told of the location of this clam bed by a reliable source from CEDO )... Also one of the reasons for...
  16. Seadweller

    Clandestine airstrip found

    Clandestine airstrip found near Puerto Peñasco A clandestine airstrip was found 22 miles south of Puerto Peñasco in Sonora state, authorities said. The 200 meter long and 15-meter wide airstrip appeared to have been graded with heavy equipment. No one was arrested. The airstrip was made...
  17. Seadweller

    Thanks to the Police & Fire Dept. Barrio San Rafael

    Several weeks ago, a neighbor of ours that ran a "Segunda" (a.k.a. second hand store) gave us enough clothes to fill the back of my pick-up... there had to be over 800 pounds of gently used clothing... she told me that the business was costing her more to run than she was making in profits...
  18. Seadweller

    Labor Day TRAVEL ALERT

    TRAVEL ALERT Department of Beach Sea Sun For travel information, call 602-324-9529 Bureau of Saltwater Affairs Internet Address: Labor Day Weekend 2011 TRAVEL ALERT be prepared from Sunrise to Sunset for plenty of Beach Sea Sun... Three Key Ingredients for...
  19. Seadweller

    Turf War Battle on the Beach Turf Wars who will be the BIG BULL of the Beach... Male sea lions bark, bite and battle for the Top Spot to be able to mate with the female sea lions and for control of the beach...
  20. Seadweller

    Air Dolphin

    My favorite Dolphin Photo...