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  1. Seadweller

    Cinco de Mayo Moon Shots

    Here are some of my May Moon Shots...
  2. Seadweller

    Chicken Pox...

    I have recently heard of three cases of Chicken Pox one from someone that lives on the far east side of town and just today I heard the two neighbor boys had them all over their bodies and we live north central more or less... has anyone else down here heard anything about a this..?
  3. Seadweller

    Happy Cinco da Mayo...

    Oooops I meant de not da... duh.... Feliz cinco de Mayo... it means a lot more than just drinking a bottle of tequila and partying your ass off... it was when Mexico defeated the French to gain their independance... but the partying sounds a lot more fun than killing a bunch of Frenchmen so...
  4. Seadweller

    Fiesta Santo Cruz in the barrio

    Last night, Barb and I had the pleasure of being with Carol & Joe Houchin at an awesome block party celebration in the barrio just one street North of the shops on Shacks 5th Ave... After a Mass to Honor Santa Cruz or the Holy Cross, everyone received a dinner of Rice, Beans, Chili Colorado (Red...
  5. Seadweller

    Mayan Palace

  6. Seadweller

    One Year Anniversary...

    Tomorrow will mark one year since our Navy Seals took out bin laden... does anyone miss that asshole..? Thanks Navy Seal Team 6...
  7. Seadweller

    Great Memories of a Hero

    This is way too cool... One of our customers we put on a charter today brought this for me... this is a copy of the original drawing that is at the Pat Tilman Foundation... the guy with the child in the center of this drawing is Barry Lee and he is who presented this framed copy to me... He...
  8. Seadweller

    Food drive

    FOOD DRIVE for the Less Fortunate in Puerto Penasco... This coming Wednesday April 25, 2012 our dear friend who I like to think of as a "Real Life Superman" Arthur G. Sloane will be laying out the details in his column in the ARIZONA REPUBLIC , CHANDLER SECTION the name of the column is "SUN...
  9. Seadweller

    A Week at the Mayan

    Thank You DeniseAck WE NEED TO ACT FAST ON THIS ONE... Anyone interested in a Weeks stay at the Mayan Palace in a 1 bedroom w/kitchenette..? Roberto and I were offered to use this week long stay at the Mayan to raise funds for a charity... I hope Roberto don't mind but I chose to try to raise...
  10. Seadweller

    Butts on the Beach...

    You can Park your butt at the beach... but, please don't leave your butt at the beach...
  11. Seadweller

    Club Samuel or Sams Club Membership

    The Bodega is now offering Membership Cards to Club Samuel or Sams Club... Barb received an invitation to join the other day while at the Bodega... The Individual Card is $450 pesos... The Gold Card is $550 pesos and you get two cards or two family members for that price... Don't have the...
  12. Seadweller

    Beauty of Barrio San Rafeal Beauty of the Barrio San Rafeal Rocky Point Puerto Penasco Mexico - YouTube La Esperanza Para Nueva Vida A.C. community centers monthly Food Distribution in Barrio San Rafael, Rocky Point, Puerto Penasco, Mexico. on 4-14-2012... Special...
  13. Seadweller

    Las Vegas Night to Benefit DIF

    Mark your calendars on Saturday July 7, 2012 from 7:00pm to 11:00pm the Sonoran Resorts and City of Puerto Peñasco Plan a Fun Las Vegas Night to Benefit D.I.F.! This is a great organization that does so much to help the community here in Rocky Point... Tickets are $30 each or 2 for $50 and...
  14. Seadweller

    "Esperanza Para Los Niños"

    This is a true Oasis in the middle of the Sonoran Desert... it's Casa Hogar "Esperanza Para Los Niños" Childrens Home... In the month of March 2012 some friends and I pooled our funds together to give a cash donation of $555.00 to the childrens home... They can still use donations of food...
  15. Seadweller

    Mako 8 miles out...

    We had dinner with Adolfo the Captain of the About Time and the family we put on the charter yesterday... they only hooked one fish and they hooked it twice but in two seperate and different locations a few miles apart... they fought this fish all day and it got away... but I did see their...
  16. Seadweller

    Spring Cleaning for DIF Therapy Center

    On Tuesday March 20th we started a little Spring Cleaning and decided to empty out our extra bedroom/storage room... the room was filled with canes, crutches, walkers, a wheelchair and various other mecical supplies... We had recently been talking with our friend Maria (waitress at La Curva) who...
  17. Seadweller

    Hangin' Around Rocky Point

    Just a couple of guys I saw Hangin' Around and Above Rocky Point or Whale Hill as it's also called... Hanging Around Hang Gliders Rocky Point Puerto Penasco Mexico - YouTube
  18. Seadweller

    Memorial Weekend Bird Island Trip

    It's On... Our Memorial day "Bird Island Bash" Fundraiser for Adopt-A-Classroom of Puerto Penasco... we will be going to Bird Island aboard the About Time on Sunday May 27, 2012.... Spaces are Limited only 26 Available @ $55.00 per person and payable in advance via PayPal contact me at...
  19. Seadweller

    Muchas gracias a Puerto Peñasco...

    Muchas gracias a la gente de Puerto Peñasco, México por más felices a los 16 años de mi vida... he aquí a los próximos 16 años ... Salud Thank You to the people of Puerto Peñasco, Mexico for the 16 Happiest years of my life.... (must be something in the air) just sayin'... Here's to the next 16...
  20. Seadweller

    Gyros at El Greco's..?

    Just found out about this while sitting at a stoplight, some old dude came up from behind me and scared the BeeGee's outta me when he handed me the business card for this place.... I Love Gyro's... this could become life threatening if they're good... and they have Baklava for dessert...