Search results

  1. rockyptjoe

    Dishnetwork Dish and Receiver

    Have a Dish 500 dish and receiver/card. It was owned by me, not a leased type unit. $50 to a good home.
  2. rockyptjoe

    Bouyweather accuracy

    I've seen posts about the Buoyweather site on the fishing forum, but though I'd ask the question here. How accurate has the site been in terms of wind/water conditions in the Penasco area? How far in advance does it give you forecasts? I could probably check the site, but I know it's a...
  3. rockyptjoe

    New Passport Fees going in to effect...

    Just saw this info.....supposed to be going into effect July 13: Passport Fees Current New Passport Book - adult$ 100.00** $ 135.00** Passport Book - minor$ 85.00** $ 105.00** Passport Book Renewal - Adult $ 75.00 $ 110.00 Additional passport visa pages - $ 82.00...
  4. rockyptjoe

    Cleaner beaches

    This was probably mentioned by Azbeachboy already...but the reason for the much cleaner beaches along PDO and San Rafael is that a tractor pulling a cleaning "do-hickee" cleans the beach.....scrapes up the bottles, diapers, fireworks, etc. It's been running the last hour or so over here. I...
  5. rockyptjoe

    Buying meds without prescription.....

    Heard from a local friend that soon you won't be able to buy medicines, like antibiotics, in Penasco, without a prescription. Can anyone verify that? And I'm not talking about bringing them back to the states......
  6. rockyptjoe

    No report on Roger Clyne concert????

    Haven't seen any reports on the concert.....
  7. rockyptjoe

    Egyptians married to Israelis to lose citizenship Isn't it funny how some countries deal with citizenship?????:stir::stir::stir:
  8. rockyptjoe

    Another take on the Border and illegal crossings

    Two part video from an Atlanta station on who is coming across the border illegally..... Video 1 Video 2
  9. rockyptjoe


    Some photos this evening at low tide on the Mirador Playa d'Oro and the Pithaya
  10. rockyptjoe

    Happy Mother's Day...

    Wishing a happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there (and any fathers who have done double duty...)
  11. rockyptjoe

    Old Airport....still working?

    Took a look down the runway at the old Penasco airport coming into town, and saw vehicles all the way down the runway...looked like wrecks. What's the story? Is the old airport officially closed? Don't they want someone landing? There appeared to still be people at the terminal building....
  12. rockyptjoe

    Shrimp Embargo???

    With some of the reports I've read about a embargo on Mexican shrimp from the upper gulf, I asked the Customs people when we crossed back to the US today about it. They said there is no embargo at this time....wouldn't or couldn't tell me anymore.
  13. rockyptjoe

    Relaxing Weekend...

    Spent the weekend of May 1 in Penasco....haven't been able to get down for about 2 months....very relaxing, although the wind was blowing nicely....beaches along the Mirador were deserted.
  14. rockyptjoe

    Birthday celeb at BooBar

    Just heard our favorite bartender (well, mine) has a birthday today....head on down to the BooBar on the Malecon if you're in town at about 8 tonight!
  15. rockyptjoe

    Fishing Charters....

    Got a few questions on fishing charters.... Have a few friends/fellow workers that are interested in doing some fishing..... Which are the best charter boats for some newbies/lightly experienced...ones that can put them over some decent fishing? I'd like for them to have a great...
  16. rockyptjoe

    Competition in the Shuttle Business....

    Saw that some of the shuttle operations were're going to lose some of that competition!!:stir::rofl:
  17. rockyptjoe

    Looking for a Ride.....

    I have a very good friend who lives in Gilbert (Val Vista and Ocotillo Rd. Area), who has an RV in San Rafael Park. She is elderly, and does not like to drive down by herself. I have given her a ride down and back, but it is approximately a 55 mile backtrack from my location (NW Phoenix)...
  18. rockyptjoe

    Spring Break Turnout???

    So....what's the turnout this year for Spring Break? And where are most of the breakers hanging out??/ At the condos or in town/Mirador?
  19. rockyptjoe

    Rosy makes it to Arizona Morning(Fox)

    Rosy was on this morning (Fox)....discussing Rocky Point/spring break/safety. Boy, did Rockypoint Reservations get a lot of free publicity.....
  20. rockyptjoe

    Reply with Quote Problem????

    Is anyone else having trouble when they click on "Reply with Quote"? When I click on it, the box opens to type in your reply, but then quickly disappears. Then I have to click on it a second time. This time it stays open for me to put in the reply.