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  1. rockyptjoe

    Question for the 4 Wheelers....

    Will a 2000 or 2500 lb winch be able to break a vehicle (truck) loose from getting stuck in the sand?....I'm not talking about the axles buried....or would I need to go to something bigger?
  2. rockyptjoe

    Condos being built on Mirador....

    New condos being built on site of old Miramar RV Park.... Sorry Chari...I couldn't resist!!!
  3. rockyptjoe

    Some great aerial shots of Penasco and the area...

    Saw this gallery on FB....
  4. rockyptjoe

    Big Brother will REALLY be watching!!!;txt
  5. rockyptjoe

    Remember................ A very moving video put together to Alan Jackson's "Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning...".....
  6. rockyptjoe

    Cheeseburgers for Charity is 2 weeks away!!!

    The concert with Mark Mulligan and Sam Rainwater in Litchfield Park (AZ) to raise money to help Ximena, the little Penasco deaf girl (plus 2 other worthwhile charities) is only 2 weeks away (Sept. 23). ALL proceeds go to the charities! Those of you who have indicated that you're coming, please...
  7. rockyptjoe

    Labor Day Roll Call.....

    Who's planning on heading down over Labor Day???? I should be there for an extended visit....
  8. rockyptjoe

    NASCAR Invocation by a preacher

    You're a redneck if -------->>>>>>
  9. rockyptjoe

    Walmart running sale on school supplies....

    Looks like it's that time supplies for Mark (Seadweller) and Barb's Adopt a School program...the sales are starting at Walmart.... Saw spiral notebooks for 20 cents a peice, pencil (20 pack?) for 79 cents.....
  10. rockyptjoe

    Fuel prices weekend of 9 july 2011

    At the Pemex on Sinaloa/Fremont Regular = 9.01 peso/lt ==> $2.94/gal Premium = 9.99 peso/lt ==> $3.26/gal Diesel = 9.41 peso/lt ==> $3.07/gal The exchange rate I got at Super Ley was 11.59 peso/$...the bank was somewhere between 11.2 and 11.9 (buy/sell) Our prices are dropping, while the...
  11. rockyptjoe

    Food allowed coming back from Mexico

    Stopped and got a copy of the list at the border last weekend.... Here's a link if it's not readable.....
  12. rockyptjoe

    Fishing Boat capsizes off San Felipe....
  13. rockyptjoe

    General Store in Lukeville is closed

    Just saw a post from the Rocky Point Times.....that the General Store at the border had finally closed. I don't usually get anything there on the way down...but good info to know. I wonder how much longer the gas station will remain open....
  14. rockyptjoe

    For you divers/snorkelers out there....

    Something to ponder...
  15. rockyptjoe

    How to deter RV breakins.....

    Someone asked me for suggestions on deterring (or preventing) breakins to RV's that are kept in Penasco...those set up in the parks. I've seen some with bars welded up and bolted on covering windows and any window type airconditioners. I've also seen padlocks added to the doors. I would...
  16. rockyptjoe

    Memorial Day........

    Not just for beer, hot dogs, and parties............
  17. rockyptjoe

    A New Radar Trap outside of Ajo.....

    Well, I guess the Ajo shriff's department isn't bringing in enough money with their radar traps....they have now setup at the border partrol checkpoint south of Why....sitting behind a tree/bushes in between the speed zone signs (between 25/35)......there were 2 working that area........Driving...
  18. rockyptjoe

    New Road....

    Saw this blog by our own Manny Sanchez....
  19. rockyptjoe

    Happy Mother's Day!

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there....hope you have a great day!
  20. rockyptjoe

    The Birth of the Internet..... I wonder....was Al Gore there???? :rofl: