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  1. rockyptjoe

    Forum down today????

    Couldn't get in during the day.....just heard from someone that they still can't get in.....
  2. rockyptjoe

    Good times....good friends....good food.....

    Weekend of Apr. 1.....and Russ' Taco Tour.....last stop was the hot dog stand (bacon wrapped hot dogs) on the corner of Constitution and Revolution (by the large hardware store....Constitucion is the street for Super Ley...Revolucion takes you to the shops on Rodeo Drive).....
  3. rockyptjoe

    Fishing machine????
  4. rockyptjoe

    Warning for pet owners crossing into Mexico

    Got the red light crossing into Mexico on Friday....the customs people saw that I was bringing my dog with me....asked if I had the papers for the dog...and another agent (not the normal customs people) come over asking to see the shot record for the dog. Showed him the license tag from...
  5. rockyptjoe

    UnNews:Study: Looking at breasts makes men live longer
  6. rockyptjoe

    Rocky Point Sunsets.....

    Taken from the retouching done....
  7. rockyptjoe

    Happy St. Patty's Day

    To all you Irish and wanna-be Irish!!!!
  8. rockyptjoe

    For all you beach dogs out there....enjoy...
  9. rockyptjoe

    Another Article on Rocky Point Safety

    At least it's not as negative as they've usually been....
  10. rockyptjoe

    2011 Mark Hahn 300 Jetski Race

    The start of the 300 mile jetski race held on Lake Havasu.....from a cam mounted on one of the skis. The lake is flat at the start of the race.....10 mile laps....30 laps....and it gets BRUTAL later in the race after the boaters and ferries are out! After you finish the race, your legs are like...
  11. rockyptjoe

    A little nostalgia for you Kenny!!!
  12. rockyptjoe

    Video shot in Penasco

    Here's a link to a video that was shot partially in Penasco....with "local" talent.....check it you recognize any of the characters? Should any of them really be made to "walk the plank"??? :stir::rofl: The writer of the song was interviewed by Rosie/Russ on Rocky Point Ramblings...
  13. rockyptjoe

    How much would you spend for RaffleTickets to benefit the little deaf girl?

    For prizes that would include a stay in a beachfront condo or a fishing trip, what is the maximum you would be willing to spend for a raffle ticket?
  14. rockyptjoe

    Local Repair guy

    There is a local maintenance and repair guy....speaks english....just had him over repairing a frig.....does plumbing, electrical, general construction, etc....."Mr. Fix-it" His name is Luis Pablo Bustamante (goes by Pablo) and reasonable 638-106-4231 638-113-4594 both cell phones...
  15. rockyptjoe

    Child with hearing loss needs surgery....

    I decided to start another thread on the topic, so that people would not have to wade thru 7-8 pages of posts to get the needed information..... Jimena, whose grandmother is Lorena (used to work at the old Margaritavilla and Coyote Ugly) is about 2 1/2 yrs. old and is deaf. The family is very...
  16. rockyptjoe

    Municipal Gym opening for activity

    Just heard from Rick Busa (Pres. Youth Sports Foundation) that he and Frenando (Puerto Penasco Sports Director) are opening the Municipal Gym Monday-Friday from 8-10 am for anyone who wants to shoot baskets or run the stairs.
  17. rockyptjoe

    Known Business Closures

    List of businesses that are known to have closed.
  18. rockyptjoe

    Puerto Lobos

    Since the Boat Trip was postponed until Sat., a bunch of us decided to caravan down to Puerto Lobos with Mark as guide to check it out......even met asprinkles and his wife.
  19. rockyptjoe

    Accident and Backup on I-10 westbound at Miller RD.

    Just heard from AZRob....if you're heading to Penasco now, or soon, he said that there was an accident and bad backup on I-10 westbound at Miller Rd. Find an alternate around that area unless you want to sit.
  20. rockyptjoe

    What everyone is bringing for Thankgiving Pot Luck....

    Since the "Roll Call" thread is long, and had a couple of different threads within it...I thought I'd start this one to collect what everyone is bringing to the Pot Luck over at San Rafael Park..... I'm in for a turkey (deep fried) Large Pie (Pecan or pumpkin) Michelle/AZRob are in for a...