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  1. rockyptjoe

    Conditions in Penasco after the storms....

    Thought I'd capture a post from another thread and put it here for people to find it easier.... PitiquitoRosy Vaquita Wrangler What's it like this morning in Penasco....the local weather station (Wunderground) is not reporting? Have the winds died down....much damage???? Any pigeoncoops...
  2. rockyptjoe

    Mexico Building Their Own Border Wall
  3. rockyptjoe

    Crossing the Border 1/2

    Ran up to the border about 2 pm on Saturday to escort my daughter and her mom who were down over the New Year. The line was starting down the hill already...way past Wendy's. I estimated it was between a 2-3 hour wait. When I got back to Penasco, checked the Border Wait Time site, and it was...
  4. rockyptjoe

    MLB Baseball Clinic in Penasco

    Just wanted to relay some info....Rick Busa and his Adopt a School Program (Sports related) is putting on a baseball clinic for the local kids with the help of 2 Major League Baseball Managers (Mariners/Giants, I think) on Jan. 16. Not wanting to take away any "thunder" from Mark (Seadweller)...
  5. rockyptjoe

    Dead on here....

    It's been dead on here today....hope it's becasue everyone's enjoying their families and recovering from Christmas!!!
  6. rockyptjoe

    Roll call for Christmas/New Year's....

    Who's planning on being down between Christmas and New Year's?????
  7. rockyptjoe

    Border Crossing complaints

    I know those of us who come down to Penasco on a regular basis have complaints about the wait times, the rudeness/idiocy of the occasional customs agent, the rudeness of the personnel on the US side checking when you are going down to Penasco (about $$ and weapons), etc. This trip down, I've...
  8. rockyptjoe

    Lost editing capability

    Hey Tyler/Stuart.....I just noticed that I can't edit some of my posts....recent ones the edit box is there, but for posts that are from earlier in the edit box..... Wanted to add some info to an earlier post (contact info)....
  9. rockyptjoe

    The Malecon on weekends.....

    Saw this in Rosy's online's about time....the malecon was becoming like the Mirador on weekend nights.....with all the drinking on the street by the teenagers.... City reclaims Malecon for benefit of businesses, families, tourists In an effort to curtail the street drinking, the...
  10. rockyptjoe

    Updates on whale watching....

    Maybe we could get a regular update when the whales get close to RP....I would love to get an "up close and personal" look off my jetski..... How about Ric or Seadweller????
  11. rockyptjoe

    Bars still hanging in there on Mirador?

    Haven't been able to get down for a couple of months due to issues at home...but what bars are still hanging in there on the Mirador? SandBar....Pink Cadillac...Around d'Corner (moved across the street)....Manny's??? any others??
  12. rockyptjoe


    Got the following from a some it may sound each his own!!! I still have the flag up that I put up then! THE PROGRAM: On Friday, September 11th, 2009, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States. Every...
  13. rockyptjoe

    Restaurant La Cocina de Ramon

    Out of the way, very nice interior and ambiance, excellent service and authentic Mexican food. Located one block south of Simon Morua (street that Ace Hardware is on) and 3 blocks East of Ace (Av. Fco. Gonzalez Bocanegra).
  14. rockyptjoe

    Ceviche recipe?

    Anyone have a decent recipe for ceviche? I've tried several that I got off the web, but they just don't taste like the ones I've gotten in Penasco..... Bought a container of shrimp ceviche last week from was pretty bad....mostly daughter wouldn't even eat it...
  15. rockyptjoe

    Chicken Little or Ostrich

    There have been a bunch of posts the last couple of days as a result of the report of another shooting in Penasco this past weekend. There seems to be one group that is taking the "chicken little" approach...."the sky is falling....the sky is falling"....don't go to Penasco, because you run the...
  16. rockyptjoe

    The Police in Ajo

    Well, I had a run in with the sheriff's deputies in Ajo coming down Thursday night (7/23). Came around the bend down by the fire dept. about 8:30 pm....and there were 2 parked yapping together. I ALWAYS follow the speed limit thru town...never speeding up until I pass the speed limit sign. So...
  17. rockyptjoe

    4th of July weekend

    Boy was it dead in town...been here since has been great....but very few people. Even the bars that serve food were closing over the weekend due to the elections. They do shoot themselves in the foot....poor advertising (relative to the violence in some parts of Mexico)...
  18. rockyptjoe

    Photos of Jesika (Yesika)

    If anyone has any decent photos (digital) of Jesika (Yesika) of Margaritavilla fame and Toby's (Of the Camel Toe) girlfriend....please let me know. I'm trying to put together a collage, etc. for Marty(Margaritavilla) and her family.
  19. rockyptjoe

    New Road from border?

    A friend who owns at the Mayan told me that there is a new road being built from the border (Sonoyta) to the airport by the Mayan Palace. Anyone have info on this?
  20. rockyptjoe

    Driving south to Mazatlan

    Anyone made the trip to Mazatlan? How is the it a tollroad? If not that far down the about some info on the road to Guaymas? Where can I get the car pass (or whatever it's called)? Do they issue it at Sonoita?