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  1. rockyptjoe

    More killing in Rocky Point???

    I'm not ready to write off Rocky Point.....YET....but if the shootings continue or increase....I will drop it like I would any other place that had become too dangerous to visit and vacation Mexico or the US! When I start worrying too much about where I can or can't go in town without...
  2. rockyptjoe

    More killing in Rocky Point???

    Rosy....I have never been an apologist....I've always told anyone who would listen that I find RP safer then many areas of Phoenix. I was raised in New York City, and was never robbed, mugged or anything go looking for trouble and you will find it!!! HOWEVER.....if the "hits"...
  3. rockyptjoe

    beachin the blood

    Is this the rv park just past the compound that the sunset crusie people built (the ones that had the catamarans with the belly dancers)....can't remember their names???? I remember hearing that someone bought their property....does anyone have info on that. They had 2 rows of small homes that...
  4. rockyptjoe

    Border Crossing 8/2

    Can anyone figure out the difference in one week???....last weekend (July 26th) when I crossed, got to the border at about 5:30pm...and there was about a 5 minute wait with only 2 lanes open....are the US CUstoms people playing a selective delaying game? I was almost ready to start coming back...
  5. rockyptjoe

    Make it stop!

    Now what's wrong with drunks who act stupid???? They're great entertainment to watch!! :evil::roll::grin:
  6. rockyptjoe

    Make it stop!

    Maybe deep fried....???
  7. rockyptjoe

    Make it stop!

    At the rate things are going, if I had any money:-P;-), I could actually afford to buy something down there! I think prices are approaching what they were back in the early 1990's!
  8. rockyptjoe

    The Police in Ajo

    I swear that the Ajo sheriff's department (is it Pinal County??) must get their personnel from Sheriff Joe's rejects!! A couple of years ago I was drving back from RP late in the evening (dark) and it was drizzling. Several miles south of Ajo I saw several flashing lights on the left side...
  9. rockyptjoe

    Joke Thread...

    Once upon a time there were two brothers. One brother was very mischievous, always getting into trouble. The other brother, however, was very good. He was always kind to animals, helped elderly neighbors, and led an exemplary life. As time went on, the brothers stayed in touch but...
  10. rockyptjoe

    The Police in Ajo

    Now come on Kenny....get the story was ADOT....not the border agents.....but that was another story....and another "WHINE"!!!:-P:-P:-P I just needed to vent and do a little whining.....I know about the cops at Ajo....and I follow the speed limits there religiously....probably...
  11. rockyptjoe

    Whale in Playa Encanto

    The stench should be pretty bad with the heat....
  12. rockyptjoe

    The Police in Ajo

    That wouldn't have helped me....they were sitting right where the bypass empties out back onto 85....
  13. rockyptjoe

    The Police in Ajo

    Well, I had a run in with the sheriff's deputies in Ajo coming down Thursday night (7/23). Came around the bend down by the fire dept. about 8:30 pm....and there were 2 parked yapping together. I ALWAYS follow the speed limit thru town...never speeding up until I pass the speed limit sign. So...
  14. rockyptjoe

    Jerry las dunas

    Why do you need 220....for rv's????
  15. rockyptjoe

    Weather/Gas in Penasco 7/25/09

    I exchanged money at one of the banks in Penasco on Friday and got 12.88 pesos to the dollar. Diesel in Penasco on Sunday was 7.61 pesos per liter.....or $2.24 per gallon... Border wait time on Sunday about 5:30 pm was about 5 minutes....2 lanes open.....4 vehicles in front of me in either line.
  16. rockyptjoe

    Manny's Tequila Factory

    Very friendly staff....I've usualy walked in when Fernando was working (he also bartends at Manny's)....great tasting flavored chilled....I think they have an unflavored one now can get a decent buzz on the free tasting! Unfortunately, it's not cheap (about $28/bottle)....
  17. rockyptjoe

    Telmex help

    I think I'm going to check it out next time down. I have my neighbor's bill and hopefully there isn't any additional wiring that needs to be done since she already has the phone line in.
  18. rockyptjoe

    Telmex help

    Roberto....does anyone in the Telmex office speak english? My spanish sucks.... My neighbor already has a phone line, and she would let me put in the dsl and a router so that I could get a wifi you know what the requirements are to get the number? phone bill? Any...
  19. rockyptjoe

    What's going on in Penasco, some bits and pieces. ( a little long)

    Didn't see many tourists in town anywhere over the 4th!
  20. rockyptjoe

    Telmex help

    Ran by the main Telmex office the last time down...they were advertising a phone line and DSL for 372 pesos per month....which is under $30 per month.