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  1. surfcaster

    Rockypointnewsonline is all bad news

    I want the news. All the news, hard soft and in between. As someone who likes to travel the back roads mostly in Caborca county and some time in Penasco I appreciate the news from down south. The highway that was paved connecting Caborca to Penasco way back when (I think 15 years ago?) connected...
  2. surfcaster


    We didn't hear a thing down in Santo Tomas. As to the question regarding the highway to Caborca, they haven't done anything with the roads down that way except south of Desemboque there is a new road started headed south. Also they appear to be widening the section closest to Penasco. On a...
  3. surfcaster

    Surf Casting Down South 4-23-27

    Well we had a great trip, but the Corvina were few and far between. Wind was up at times making the shore a bit murky most of the trip. We managed to beach 15 small Corvina and about 20 medium pompano in 5 days of casting. We spent one night at the Desemboque Hilton (aka Hotel Playa Dorada) and...
  4. surfcaster


    Thanks Don! I am going no matter what at this point and taking my chances. :fish:
  5. surfcaster

    Surf Casting Down South 4-23-27

    Any predictions on the weather and seas for 4-23 to 4-27?
  6. surfcaster


    Wow looked almost glassy! Whats the buoy weather saying for this weekend? Am I going to be casting into calm blue seas or chocolate milk from the beach? :?:
  7. surfcaster

    Surf Casting Down South 4-23-27

    Thanks for the warning! I don't plan on driving through the desert on this trip. I do plan on running the beach, but think I should be OK. If the bad guys are locals I probably know them. Interesting thought. :roll: :fish:
  8. surfcaster

    Surf Casting Down South 4-23-27

    :fish: Long time no fish! Howdy to all my friends on the message board! I missed you guys. Heck I miss going fishing in Sonora! I have been busy as all get out and haven't been south since my buddy gave his excursion a salt water bath in Santo Tomas last spring. Well my old gang will be back at...
  9. surfcaster

    new forum

    Where's my fish pictures? Glad to see you salty dogs again. Viva la forum nuevo! tj Corvina!
  10. surfcaster ?

    Who you calling the usual suspects? Glad to be in the line-up! Thanks tyler tj :mrgreen: