Surf Casting Down South 4-23-27


Tom the Surfcaster
:fish: Long time no fish! Howdy to all my friends on the message board! I missed you guys. Heck I miss going fishing in Sonora! I have been busy as all get out and haven't been south since my buddy gave his excursion a salt water bath in Santo Tomas last spring. Well my old gang will be back at it next weekend fishing the big tides down at Tomas. I will post a fish report whether the Corvina cooperate or not. Hope you are all doing great.

TJ the Surfcaster :cool:


TJ have fun (you can use my kayak if you need it)
I would pm this but anyone that heads South of Desemboque should keep in mind the narcos are around.If you take a dirt road over dunes heading toward the sea South of Desemboque(Santo Tomas area is cool)you have the chance of running into trouble. My friends story from a trip last year was pretty scary


Are you sure friends didn't just run into a property owner? There is some private property down that way. I ran into a semi-belligerent property owner on an exploratory trip down there once. After I explained to him I was kind of lost, he told me where I should and shouldn't go. I hate to see rumors get started over simple mis-understandings. Are drugs being moved in that area? Rumors do a lot of damage to the tourist trade. On the other hand it's not a good idea to run afoul of the drug people. Them are some bad dudes indeed.


"Are you sure friends didn't just run into a property owner?"

Well as a matter of fact it was a few property owners...8 0r 9 well dressed guys with new ATV's,a canvas topped semi trailer full of bales of weed.They also had plenty of guns...My friends backed out slowly and made it back to "the Y' where they stopped at the open market next to Kenny's police sub station and bought produce while being mad dogged by a Sinaloa looking cowboy in a new truck.
Three months latter all the cops were busted by the army general from Baja Norte at that station.


Tom the Surfcaster
Thanks for the warning! I don't plan on driving through the desert on this trip. I do plan on running the beach, but think I should be OK. If the bad guys are locals I probably know them. Interesting thought. :roll: :fish:


Tom the Surfcaster
Well we had a great trip, but the Corvina were few and far between. Wind was up at times making the shore a bit murky most of the trip. We managed to beach 15 small Corvina and about 20 medium pompano in 5 days of casting. We spent one night at the Desemboque Hilton (aka Hotel Playa Dorada) and fished that area one day just a few pompano but very choppy seas. FYI there is a major highway construction project underway heading due south 8km inland from El Desemboque. We drove the two miles that were finished and saw the workers as far south as we could see. The coast tourist highway is making it's way south but on Mexican time.

:fish: TJ