Search results

  1. fatboyharley

    Las palomas owners story

    She talks but Did she lose her money or was the delivery just delayed?
  2. fatboyharley

    More killing in Rocky Point???

    Good !
  3. fatboyharley

    Border Crossing 8/2

    Started at the BienViaje Sign and it took 1 1/5 hours to make through the crossing. The Mx side had it down to only one lane and three American sides open. Could not use the camera to swipe my passport card. Border guys said it hardly works . It was HOT and really no reason for such a...
  4. fatboyharley

    What's going on in Penasco, some bits and pieces. ( a little long)

    no it is suppose to be Marriot
  5. fatboyharley

    Telmex help

    Sat-Net Puerto Pensco Has any one had any experience with Sat-Net WiFi?
  6. fatboyharley

    Come on down............

    just back from three days down in RP How sad to see the streets empty. Busineses are holding their breath . I saw more Mexican tourists than Americans down in the Old Port area. Wait at the border was 15- 20 minutes.
  7. fatboyharley

    crossing 4/12

    We we caught in that slow border crossing on Sunday also ( 2 hour wait at 12:30). Had not heard that the El Golfo road was closed but stayed far from town. What were they protesting?
  8. fatboyharley

    Crossing 3-29-09

    We got to the border around 1:30 and waited 20 mnutes. They were looking in car trunks and even looked in the bags in our backseat. Only after they saw my 150 pound dog behind the seat did they back away and ask if he bites.
  9. fatboyharley

    Timeshare Company Bankrupt

    That concept was to be homes not a timeshare. Are you thinking maybe the DelMar just outside the Las Conchas boundary and next to Tessoro? There was also La Perla but I thought that was condos also.
  10. fatboyharley

    Any news from the Las Conchas HOA meeting??

    Don't know what you are talking about. I was not one of those that started the project of DeSal. That started 10 years or longer. When you want to discuss this matter and get all my facts then please feel free to contact me via PM.
  11. fatboyharley

    My Brother Bob

    I am so sorry to hear the news about yur brother. When you visit him in the hospital, please remember to tell him that you love him. He will hear you. I will include him in my prayers
  12. fatboyharley

    Any news from the Las Conchas HOA meeting??

    Rich Says: February 4th, 2009 at 10:39 am Report On Friday, October 31, I called Muriel Clouse to ask her to please submit a $500.00 clean-up deposit for the perimeter wall that she was building in Section 3 – Lot 380. In our phone discussion, she said she didn’t feel it was necessary to pay...
  13. fatboyharley

    Any news from the Las Conchas HOA meeting??

    Rich Says: February 4th, 2009 at 10:39 am Report On Friday, October 31, I called Muriel Clouse to ask her to please submit a $500.00 clean-up deposit for the perimeter wall that she was building in Section 3 – Lot 380. In our phone discussion, she said she didn’t feel it was necessary to pay...
  14. fatboyharley

    Any news from the Las Conchas HOA meeting??

    FYI The condo units on the other side of the road are not part of the Las Conchas HOA The community consist of over 550 homes.
  15. fatboyharley

    Who's going down this weekend.......

    Filled my Jeep by Las Conchas Sunday $42 Slightly higher than 4 weeks ago
  16. fatboyharley

    Any news from the Las Conchas HOA meeting??

    To All Las Conchas Vecinos: For more than six months I have been the direct recipient of personal and professional attacks at public Board meetings. I felt I needed to reply to the most recent personal and professional attacks from the anonymous Las Conchas "concerned homeowners". Here is...
  17. fatboyharley

    Any news from the Las Conchas HOA meeting??

    Dear Vecinos, Please allow me to put our current search for a new management company into perspective. When we fired our general manager two years ago, we (the Board) realized that our financials were a mess. Since Cadden-Ramirez Management had a local presence and had approached us before, we...
  18. fatboyharley

    Well said Thanks for joining this forum.
  19. fatboyharley

    What do you do for a living?

    I am a pediatric therapist workng with special needs children in particular autism, downs syndrome, and develomental delay
  20. fatboyharley

    Thank you for your paper. I have enjoyed it. Yes There are those who have to act like jerks in all countries I am always disguested with the Americans who act like a holes while viisting Rocky Point. They are rude and ignorant give the wrong impression to others about Americans. Mexico is...