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  1. fatboyharley

    Labor Day Weekend

    We are braving the heat over Labor Day weekend. Just came back from Colorado so we have had our touch of good weather.
  2. fatboyharley


    I have been getting that Coke at Costco for months now. I have been throwing away the bottles in recycle. Do you mean I could be returning them to MX? :o
  3. fatboyharley

    Awfull Quiet....

    you know --I was thinking the same thing.
  4. fatboyharley

    WalMart Announcement

    Go to then to north american forums, then to foro mexicano the subforos regionales then sonora, then puerto penasco hope this helps FBH
  5. fatboyharley

    WalMart Announcement

    Puerto Peñasco.- Con la adquisición de un terreno de casi seis hectáreas, grandes centros comerciales como Wal Mart le apuestan Puerto Peñasco como un punto importante de ventas, afirmó Heriberto Rentería Sánchez. Puerto Peñasco aumentará la oferta y demanda de productos y servicios, con la...
  6. fatboyharley

    WalMart Announcement

    Information from Urban Freak Forums- Puerto Penesco It is in Spanish so you have to translate it.
  7. fatboyharley

    WalMart Announcement

    WalMart is openng in RP Building a new store to open by the end of this year or beginning of 2009. Can Home Depot and Costco be far behind?
  8. fatboyharley

    International sim card?

    Since I go to RP 1 or 2 a month from A&T for $5.99 a month I get MX service and a very cheap minute charge (29 cents) In fact in Soynota it comes through as the US so no roaming charge.
  9. fatboyharley

    Road Blocks and car searches

    Did anyone else run into the numerous road blocks and car searches that the Mx Federal Police where doing this weekend in RP? When I spoke with one shop owner and asked about it, his response was they were looking for drugs.
  10. fatboyharley

    Old site -- who purchased it

    Thank you Stuart for all your hard work on the last forum.
  11. fatboyharley

    Air conditioning guru

    I use him for my home down there for the past year and a half and have been pleased.
  12. fatboyharley

    The ladies of Rocky Point...

    Now didn't pictures like this start the last Happy et al issues. Do we really need to see them?
  13. fatboyharley

    I love tyler

    No votes for Happy and/Sally The forum has been much better without him
  14. fatboyharley


    Alamo car rentals at the airport
  15. fatboyharley

    The ladies of Rocky Point...

    I am also sorry but you will have to put up with all six foot 3 inches of me also.