Search results

  1. fatboyharley

    Competition Hill

    Nice ride!
  2. fatboyharley

    golf cart repair

    yes I will have to go and check him out when I go back in March.
  3. fatboyharley

    golf cart repair

    I checked out Bikes on the Beach on Calle 13 but he was closed and phone disconnected
  4. fatboyharley

    golf cart repair

    I thought that a few months ago someone posted about getting ATV's and golf carts repaired. Does anyone have someone that they would recommend for a gas golf cart? THXs
  5. fatboyharley

    Roll call for Christmas/New Year's....

    new years eve I will be down from 12-24 thru 01-03 Would love to finally meet some one you
  6. fatboyharley

    Ok!!I'll show you a link very few know

    not coming up and I disabled popup blocks
  7. fatboyharley

    Ok!!I'll show you a link very few know

    Can't get the Plustex add on to show Any suggestions?
  8. fatboyharley

    Crossing 11/8

    Got at the line about the same place at 2 pm Only three lines open Bikers cutting in up at the front That was irritating In line for two hours Agent asked if we where bringing the usual back but this time asked if we had any dope or related items
  9. fatboyharley

    What a hastle today

    Since 911 use of cell phones while at the border has been prohibited A least they did not take them I can't remember the web site to go to that talks about cell phone use. They feel that you could be plotting a bombing or terrioist attack as the rationale
  10. fatboyharley

    12 Miles north of santo Tomas

    What road did you take to get there? Great pictures
  11. fatboyharley

    Break Ins

    rikyt & mentiras y traicion
  12. fatboyharley

    Break Ins

    Since this happened to a friend of mine I find the response tacky and tasteless
  13. fatboyharley

    Break Ins

    am very sad to have to tell that my store Consign & Desgn was broken into last night, Thurs. that is. My Compaq, desk top computer was stolen as well as my Lexmark printer/copier/fax. there was nearly all of the jewelry that was consigned with us and some cash taken. I am hoping that this...
  14. fatboyharley

    Las Conchas Review by Joe Friday

    You are speaking to an educated woman and I would appreciate more respect. Individuals like you are why men get a bad rap. I will not stoop to your level of ignorance.
  15. fatboyharley

    Las Conchas Review by Joe Friday

    Name calling and swearing in any language is a demonstation of ignorance.
  16. fatboyharley

    Las Conchas Review by Joe Friday

  17. fatboyharley

    Buying a car in MX

    I think every woman should have a thing also
  18. fatboyharley

    Buying a car in MX

    I personally would love a Thing
  19. fatboyharley

    Buying a car in MX

    Has anyone ever bought a new car in Mx? I was wonderng if it was cheaper with the exchange rate right now.