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  1. dirtsurfer

    ASU Still sucks

    I agree USC should be in the tournament but in today’s news UofA.......................
  2. dirtsurfer

    Hey! It's Roberto's birthday!

    Happy Birthday Roberto, Indulge!
  3. dirtsurfer

    In Speed Trap News...the mayor was shocked it occurs!

    IN some of the larger Mexican cities a favorite place to pull over tourists is on the route to the airport-when they know you have to catch a flight. You go cannot with them to the polic station or courthouse because you will miss your flight so mordida is almost guaranteed. I once actually...
  4. dirtsurfer

    Bicycle Shop

    I always wondered why there were not more riders in and around Penasco.
  5. dirtsurfer

    Home Builder

    I would advise you to buy something already built, standing, functioning and all systems working, have a good home inspector from Phoenix come down and perform and impartial inspection for you. If you build please hire a qualified builder and a qualified construction manager to represent you and...
  6. dirtsurfer

    Federales at the border

    Sure have been a lot of Federales at the border lately, also, a lot of the Mexican crossing guards have been women during my crossings in December-February.
  7. dirtsurfer

    Handgun in PP

    Although, growing up in Phoenix with a hunter dad our weapons were always out and available-rifles, shotguns & pistols. We knew not to touch them. Of course, this also makes your weapons easy to get to for bad guys also. Now I have a safe (or two or three) that I can open half a asleep in the...
  8. dirtsurfer

    God damn Heroin

    Great words to inspire! Thank you and good luck.
  9. dirtsurfer

    Killer whales!

    My old and deceased dear friend Spotts Willis who fished out of Cholla for many years has stayed that he saw Orca’s on several occasions.
  10. dirtsurfer

    good stuff if you are interested in Sonora history Not much about Pinacate you wont find here.
  11. dirtsurfer

    Wine is healthy

    While in the Yucatan last year I couldn't believe how much space Bud & Bud light take up in the stores versus the Mexican brands. It was like about 70% Bud
  12. dirtsurfer

    God damn Heroin

    May the gods grant you all of the help, patience and wisdom you require. You are a great person.
  13. dirtsurfer

    Hot water replacement woes,laugh and cry

    I felt blessed this past weekend in Miramar, despite the monster that is the Mayan Palace I could walk out on the beach and see not a soul in either direction. Still amazing me to me to have a private experience like that.
  14. dirtsurfer

    God damn Heroin

    Also, god bless people like the officer in this story!
  15. dirtsurfer

    God damn Heroin

    Here is a story from today’s news that helps us to understand just how powerful the grip of addiction is. The headline is about the officer but the underlying story of the struggle and decisions to keep using are what I found the most educational...
  16. dirtsurfer

    God damn Heroin

    J: I am told by my former addict employees that no amount of healthcare, counseling or care will help an addict until he himself makes the choice to change.
  17. dirtsurfer

    God damn Heroin

    Very well written and thought provoking. I at one time wanted to flush all addicts, including alcohol addicts (especially alcohol addicts as I had a father that was evil when he drank and he drank often) I have no pity on addicts now but do know there is hope and that they are real people. I...
  18. dirtsurfer

    God damn Heroin

    I’ll take a new liver, and kidneys right now! :)
  19. dirtsurfer

    Legitimate Pharmacy Recomendation

    If I need a prescription from a local (Penasco) doctor, how hard is it to find a Doc and how willing are they to write a script?
  20. dirtsurfer

    Whales 2018

    I never suspected this kind of beast in our waters, way cool.