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  1. dirtsurfer

    President AMLO about to change everything

    I have an alcoholic working for me right now, fantastically talented but doomed. Very sad. The Psychology of addiction is fascinating to me.
  2. dirtsurfer

    President AMLO about to change everything

    This drug can permanently ruin peoples lives,their friends and families lives and is devastating, Jerry, you want to allow olds Sofitel across the border? I say instant death penalty to smugglers and you would to if your daughter or son OD’d or ruined their lives on it...
  3. dirtsurfer

    President AMLO about to change everything

    J: As you now, I am a libertarian who at base feels everything should be legal BUT, I have many people working for me and along with their family & friends have come to realize that some drugs & their abuses permanently fry your brain. I’m not talking about smoking a little pot or getting...
  4. dirtsurfer

    Federales still checking cars heading north

    Not sure what the are doing, maybe just giving their guys a job to do. I love the Mexican people but bleed sorrow for their corruption, government and especially their plight with the cartels.
  5. dirtsurfer

    President AMLO about to change everything

    Not sure that legalizing in Mexico will have much effect on the cartel violence fed by American demand. Legalize in the U.S. and the Cartels are truly hurt.
  6. dirtsurfer

    Federales still checking cars heading north

    I was not selected but there was long line of people waiting for the Federal inspection for people heading north. The inspection is just south of the border. This from a friend who crossed earlier today: "30 minutes wait at Mexican inspection still 20 cars ahead of us before the station then US...
  7. dirtsurfer

    Understanding the 2018 Mexican Election

    Since tourism is such a huge cash source for Mexico I would think any leader should consider all options to encourage tourists to come and spend their money. I still cry for Mexico. I read that 121 candidates of varying locales were assassinated during this election.
  8. dirtsurfer

    Understanding the 2018 Mexican Election

    One more thing, if in the U.S. you add income taxes, sales taxes, state, county and municipal taxes and then the fees we pay for every government service we need, our taxes are higher than a lot of the so called socialistic countries.
  9. dirtsurfer

    Understanding the 2018 Mexican Election

    J: I often think of this, most if not all Arab countries are run better by despotic, cruel, inhumane rulers. Has there ever been a peaceful transformation of power in these countries? One more thing: think of the economic miracle Saddam could have developed with all of the oil money and all of...
  10. dirtsurfer

    Driving in the Yucatan-"two free warnings"

    God do they ever need this in Sonoita & Penasco:
  11. dirtsurfer

    Soynota crawl turns into a walk in the park?

    Funny, in Phoenix on the freeways which are 65MPH in most places, if you drive under 75 you are risking getting rammed or shot, drive 75 and people blow by you.
  12. dirtsurfer

    Drinking and Driving Crackdown

    And in other parts of Mexico it is literally a trade war between the taxi drivers and motocab drivers. The startup of Uber & Lyft would start a civil war down there...
  13. dirtsurfer

    Understanding the 2018 Mexican Election

    What in the hell do I receive for paying property taxes? Absolutely no security, pot hole filled roads, bribery tending police, rip off taxis...........screw “raising property taxes to where they should be”! I know this is Mexico but screw it, I am gone if it starts costing me more and so will...
  14. dirtsurfer

    Understanding the 2018 Mexican Election

    Yes, but, I have not ever been personally affected by a President except one that has pushed through minor tax increases or decreases. The one exception is obummercare which costs me about 15K a year in increased premiums and much larger deductibles.
  15. dirtsurfer

    ADOT map now includes RP

    I agree with the speed trap aspect and think they should just keep the speed at 55 until we are out of the park zone. Funny thing, I was about 10 miles north of the park when the ranger pulled me over.
  16. dirtsurfer

    ADOT map now includes RP

    Had a park ranger pull me over and write me a warning ticket for driving 69MPH in a 65 zone. Dispatch radioed immediately that I am CCW license holder so the officer made me get out and go back to his car and then asked me 3-4 questions about weapons in my car and if I was carrying. Nice guy but...
  17. dirtsurfer

    Las Conchas De Salt Historical Facts......

    I still want to go off grid with my small solar powered desal plant. You can also purchase those very cool systems that make fresh water form the air but they are expensive. As water gets more expensive the cost of producing fresh water should come down like the cost of solar has—-hopefully.
  18. dirtsurfer

    Understanding the 2018 Mexican Election

    Most of the so called socialistic countries in Norhern Europe rank higher in freedom indexes and also in surveys about regulation they rank as less regulated-good or bad.
  19. dirtsurfer

    ASU Still sucks

    The PAC12 was terrible in NCAA Football & Basketball this year, it all is cyclical.