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  1. dirtsurfer

    Border Patrol Agents Treat Multiple Critically Injured Patients on State Route 85

    At only 50MPH if something happens-a blowout, swerving to miss something, sudden are not going to recover. Every mile an hour faster increases the odds of death & dismemberment. It usually is the cocksure ignorant who are driving fast and passing.
  2. dirtsurfer

    Paying taxes 2019

    I just had the best experience ever in any Municipal office-Mexican or American. The tax office in Penasco had two interpreters who guided me perfectly, the clerks were great and the the entire time spent in the building was less than 10 minutes. Yippee! What is usually a PITA turned out to be a...
  3. dirtsurfer

    Net metering in Mexico

    Thank you, if you are getting credits then you are essentially selling your power. I would like to know what the rate the electrical company purchases the power (or the amount of the credit) you receive are vs. the rate the electrical company sells your power to the next customer for.
  4. dirtsurfer

    Net metering in Mexico

    Do any of you who have converted from solar to the city power have any experience with selling your solar power back into the grid?
  5. dirtsurfer

    Remember to pay your property tax

    I love this and wonder why other governments and organizations have not adopted it.
  6. dirtsurfer

    What are the chances the Gov't will close Lukeville?

    “The one armed guy”. I have seen this guy at the border for 30+ years, he at one time washed windows and had a bicycle with a cut off 2 liter soda bottle screwed to one side of the handlebars so he could use his stump to control the bars.
  7. dirtsurfer

    TRUMP Threatens to close US Mexico Border

    Most new immigrant populations coming to the U.S. Have been vilified be they Irish, Italian, Polish...........the difference is in following the law or breaking the law and admittedly our immigration laws require a lot of work to clean them up. Remember that the U.S. , despite the negative image...
  8. dirtsurfer

    New Penasco airport or Mayan airport

    Does anyone know of this airport being used? I have ye to see a plane fly in nad the security guards are pretty stern about letting me drive Dow the road so I can get a look. It seems a Ike a massive investment to just be sitting there.
  9. dirtsurfer

    Mayan Palace

    I’m surprised the Mayan owners and Penasco politicos have not solved this problem. The Mayan has got to be losing a ton of business.
  10. dirtsurfer

    Should we move this webpage to a Facebook group?

    Hey, I recently talked a “friend” into letting me pee on his sting ray wound, best pimp ever :)
  11. dirtsurfer

    Tohatsu 3.4 4 stroke

    Spend some money and purchase a “real” motor. You will be much happier in the long run. Buy from a local servicing dealer. Honda, Yamaha, or any of the other big manufacturers with servicing dealers is what you want for peace of mind and good service.
  12. dirtsurfer

    Should we move this webpage to a Facebook group?

    I was not able to find it on FB
  13. dirtsurfer

    Water from the air-from a Phoenix Company

    The Zeromass may not be the correct unit right now but research is running very fast in this direction. Here is another little experiment:
  14. dirtsurfer

    Water from the air-from a Phoenix Company

    I’ve been talking to the company and they have never heard of your claims, and they will let me install myself in Mexico. Anyway, the unit does not currently produce enough water versus the expense but I bet competitors appear with less expensive solutions.
  15. dirtsurfer

    Water from the air-from a Phoenix Company

    The Israelis have industrial sized units that operate similarly and produce a lot more water but are mucho dinero. The technology is way cool, it just needs to produce more and come down in price.
  16. dirtsurfer

    Water from the air-from a Phoenix Company

    Wow, 5 gallons is a lot!
  17. dirtsurfer

    Water from the air-from a Phoenix Company

    I most likely will install one of these in 2019:
  18. dirtsurfer

    Gill nets....the bomb drops

    Wouldn’t a sport fishing industry boom if the gill betters went away?
  19. dirtsurfer

    President AMLO about to change everything

    J: maybe you will get your single payer system the same way that Marijuana is being legalized-state by state. California is looking at it:
  20. dirtsurfer

    President AMLO about to change everything

    There is also a drug one can take that does the same thing with alcohol-it blocks the brains ability to receive an alcohol high. As with any drug, the user has to want to change or relapse is imminent.