Search results

  1. Stuart

    Govt sets temporary ban for shrimp in the Pacific

    Really, Jerry? Political statements like that are uncalled for here. Thank-you.
  2. Stuart

    Looking for deep offshore reefs to scuba dive

    Todd - Do you still have my email address? It's been years since we talked. Going spearfishing?
  3. Stuart

    Hwy 5 south of San Felipe/Puertocitos paved?

    Uh-huh. They especially liked inspecting my boat one time at Benjamin Hill coming back up from San Carlos. Seemed like they were taking a very long time down in the cabin. When I got home to Tempe, I opened the fridge in the cabin to find four empty bottles of Pacifico that were previously cold...
  4. Stuart

    Hwy 5 south of San Felipe/Puertocitos paved?

    Indeed. I remember the Army guys stopping us heading out to Chapala. My Spanish wasn't very good then. They were inspecting my Tahoe. VERY THOROUGHLY! As they were done, one of the young guys kept asking me for something, but I didn't understand what he wanted. Finally he pointed to my cooler...
  5. Stuart

    Hwy 5 south of San Felipe/Puertocitos paved?

    I'll never forget my first trip from San Felipe down to Gonzaga, then out through Chapala and on to Punta Chivato and Mulege. It was beautiful, treacherous, humbling, and scary through the mountains. I don't think there was much in the way of pavement once you got south of San Felipe a bit...
  6. Stuart

    Have you got your Sealegs yet?

    Looks like a lot of fun!
  7. Stuart

    Fishing gear rental?

    Yeah, not aware of anywhere that rents fishing gear. Do like the locals do... wrap some mono around a Coke can and use an old spark plug as your weight. I say this jokingly, but I've seen plenty of fish caught exactly that way.
  8. Stuart


    Wow... and here I thought Happy Face had the best massage in town. :D
  9. Stuart

    El Homeport(the fish rots from the head)Penasco Digital report

    I say make it like Santa Monica Pier! Dump some more rock out there, stabilize it. Build a few amusement rides, some games, taco stands, churros/cotton candy and such along the midway. Maybe a few penned up dolphins for people to gawk at. Add a boardwalk. Saltwater taffy! It would make money and...
  10. Stuart

    El Homeport(the fish rots from the head)Penasco Digital report

    We get a fishing pier/breakwater! :p
  11. Stuart

    Fish Story for December 19, 2015

    That got my go fishing juices flowing! :D Awesome, as always, Shawn! When ya takin' me out on your new ride? ;)
  12. Stuart

    My Mom's pretty tough.

    Love it! Go mom, go!
  13. Stuart

    Fishing report Nov 9th.

    Mako shark is some of the finest eating to come out of the ocean. I've fished for them and caught a couple out of Santa Barbara, CA. There, we would slow troll whole barracuda for them. They are hooked occasionally in the Cortez, but seldom caught unless you are fishing specifically for them...
  14. Stuart

    Fishing report Nov 9th.

    Blacktip Sharks. They are all over out there this time of the year and can be incredibly thick on some of the reefs. Good eats, make the best fish tacos in Mexico!
  15. Stuart


    Why yes, yes I did - for one beer. It was empty and there was no talent at all to speak of. Boss said come back in November; business will be picked up and there will be better things to see. I didn't even bother with any of the other clubs; they all looked equally dead. I'm sure they'll all be...
  16. Stuart

    Recreational Marijuana Legalised in Mexico.

    You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant. I don't see it changing anything. If you want pot now, one only need ask at any bar, club, cab driver, etc. Not like it's a big secret and I've seen locals smoking it openly on the street. I also don't see it becoming a huge tourist...
  17. Stuart


    He just got his get out of jail card. After reading Jerry's nonsense, it looks like he might be slipping into the nice warm bunk that Kenny just left. You hear me, Jerry? You have the right to your opinion and expressing it here, by why in the hell does it always have to be so negative? Russ...
  18. Stuart

    Luxury Vehicle and safety question.....

    I think your vehicle will be fine. LOCK it and set the alarm. There are plenty of flashy vehicles running around down their every weekend.
  19. Stuart


    Damned if I can find one mention of this anywhere online. The Bio Preserve has always been a straight line from Penasco to San Felipe; the no fishing exclusion zone for vaquita is a large zone closer to San Felipe.
  20. Stuart


    I hadn't heard that. Was well north of there a couple of weeks ago, as were other boats. Are you sure this applies to SPORTFISHING, and not the commercial guys?