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    We call those decoys "probes." As they occasionally speed by us in, say, Ajo, we announce, "Launching probe!"
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    Crossing mid day on Friday before Memorial Day

    It is tough to get quick service nowadays. (I hope, upon arrival of attendants, they didn't order a quarter pounder with fries.)
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    Flores Chevron

    That was not a regular stop of mine, but a few weeks back, beach neighbors told me something about there being a death of a key owner of the family business, and that remaining members could not keep the place afloat.
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    Can I get in and out without a Passport??

    Trouble is (as lagrimas points out) SAGARPA is often working -- at least almost every time we pass. And they have us on file from previous stops -- old vaccination records, dog photos, drivers license. So for us to hand them some line about not knowing of the rule wouldn't go over.
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    Can I get in and out without a Passport??

    I'm thinking your sister might have small animals (?) My two big dogs have become a guarantee that we get pulled over. (I've put them in the "down" position and gotten by the "pet" inspector, but if pulled over for a random green light, they call the pet inspector over as well.) And once pulled...
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    Free Notary Services This Week

    As a notary myself, I can verify that. But nice gesture, 2010.
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    Holy freakin' cow

    Well I submitted the video because the dialog was entertaining. What, why, how and where checkpoints are conducted is a can I will not open, but a good guess is that harassing officers is not the way to change things in your favor. Personally, I smile, cooperate and move on.
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    Holy freakin' cow

    Well I thought that was pretty spunky of you . . . until I came across this:
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    Need a veterinarian

    Thoughts . . . energy . . . prayers directed your way. Meanwhile, I wish every dog would have the wonderful life and devoted "parents" of Tova.
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    Baby Pelicans

    Thanks -- was afraid that was what it meant. But I never necessarily associated the sight of a lone pelican with a sick one.
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    Baby Pelicans

    Okay. I give up. What does it mean?
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    Please join us for a housewarming party!

    For the record, I'm among the "woulda-if-I-coulda" group. Enjoy your new place.
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    Bringing patio furniture down...any tips?

    General location?
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    Bringing patio furniture down...any tips?

    Thanks. I just had guessed that if there were an appliance place in town, there would be no variety. Will check it out.
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    Bringing patio furniture down...any tips?

    So appliances would be considered "furnishings?" (We need to replace our range and dishwasher.)
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    Holy freakin' cow

    I, too, have experienced the consequences of violating the new rule: Innocence with failure to act afraid.
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    Crossing Last Night

    Yep. I stop at the stop sign, and unless someone is there with questions for me, I go.
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    Permanent Resident Card?

    You're not alone on this, Kea. I'm sharing the same situation / timing / confusion.
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    Kitchen Cabinets

    Wow. Thanks for sharing. I was wondering if there were someone like that around town for a project I'm considering.
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    Well said, marjie. I , too, think that a truly useful, constructive forum is an open forum. Diversity of opinions and conduct gives it credibility and honesty, which I value over cheerleading. I love where intolerance is not tolerated.