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  1. Jungle Jim

    Hooolaaa Anyone there???

    I AM sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooorry Taco-T. Did I hurt your little iddie-biddie feelings? Never been a pimp but I'll give you the phone numbers of dozens of my girl friends to attest to my lack of queerness, latest wife as well. Lets do it in the mud...
  2. Jungle Jim

    Drinks alcoholics ban on Malecon?

    Me? At Dennys? Haven't been inside one in forty or more years. I prefer the "fine dining" at Taco Bell, Jerk-N-De-Box and Del Taco. Get a bonus there as well.....perfecting my Spanglish with the counter kids who can't ever make correct change when you give em a twenty. JJ
  3. Jungle Jim


    Any word on this years commercial shrimp season? September first as usual? Finished off the last of mine last night. JJ
  4. Jungle Jim

    Drinks alcoholics ban on Malecon?

    Hey Jerry........... I waz juz joking. No one is capable of being (fluent) in nine languages. Anyone can keep twenty or thirty words in their head for use when buying a beer, a hooker or a cup of coffee in some foreign shit hole. The only language she most likely masters is Hungarian. JJ
  5. Jungle Jim

    Sea Wall failures

    Doing that will make excellent fresh habitat for the so-called-endangered Fringe-Toed Sand Lizard. Just go down to the beach properties at Santo Tomas and see how many of the sand swimmers live there now. JJ
  6. Jungle Jim

    Drinks alcoholics ban on Malecon?

    Ya know Taco-T........... I am just so impressed. Let us know when she becomes tri-lingual and speaks indigenous Nahuatl and can shoot the s*** with Bobbie. Will she ever be as impressive as our First Lady who is fluent in NINE languages? JJ
  7. Jungle Jim

    Drinks alcoholics ban on Malecon?

    Hey Bobbie............. I take it you haven't spent much time in Yuma, Phoenix, San Diego, Santa Ana, Costa Mesa, etc,etc......................... JJ
  8. Jungle Jim

    Drinks alcoholics ban on Malecon?

    Ever consider the masses of fresh Dee-Poor-Tees? Who needs to be bilingual in the FUSA? English IS OUR national language. Used to be that maybe if you were planning on leaving the country for a trip it might be a good idea to speak some of the local lingo, but to have it jammed down our...
  9. Jungle Jim

    Medication prices inPenaco

    Might help to speak-a-da-lingo and............carry a calculator. They all prey on the weak, dumb and ignorant Gringo, wouldn't you in their situation? Ever think of pulling a fast one on them? Like feeding em a line of crap about the prices at the farmacia across the street...
  10. Jungle Jim

    Death Watch

    I always get DoDo's in October. Still heat stroke-able to anyone out there without an air conditioned space suit. Last year I was almost done in by it. We hosed each other down with our (cool) fresh water tank for hours, to no avail. Wife had to drive us home from thirty miles out, she was in...
  11. Jungle Jim

    The Last Vaquita?

    Shark.................. I heard there are plans for a tall zip line tower to be built at the end of the soon to be completed Home Port pier with a cable connected to another tower at the hill at Punta San Felipe. There will be numerous net baskets connected to the cable that the US Navy...
  12. Jungle Jim

    Truck Shocks

    He's a troller without a boat to troll from. Of course "your insight" is intended for his personal gain. Not to mention so fuggin vague. JJ
  13. Jungle Jim


    Anyone snatched a fresh Dorado from the "Ocean" ((according to Roberto)) out of Puerto Penasco yet? My fiberglass killing machine is just whining for fresh blood on the decks. Every time I walk past her she wags her two Yammies and makes slurping noises from the deck scuppers. This early...
  14. Jungle Jim

    Buyer beware

    Good article Roberto........ I will never forget although I'd sure like to, my first stay at Puerto Penasco's first "World Class" high rise timeshare/luxury hotel then known as The Plaza Las Glorias. You know, the joint across the street from South Side Jill's. That was back in the 90's when...
  15. Jungle Jim

    Hooolaaa Anyone there???

    So........... Now we can see his hatred for America, it's another anchor baby! I'll bet his compadres en Guanacaste don't even want his ingrate ass back in their cunt-tree. Used to be that a loser in a fair game just picked himself up, dusted off the blood and dog doo then went on his way...
  16. Jungle Jim

    Hooolaaa Anyone there???

    Why don't you pray for your own rat hole country TICO-T. Did you illegally vote in our election? JJ
  17. Jungle Jim

    Shrimp Buying

    Yo Jerry........... I'd like to help but I have an delicious FRESH WILD CAUGHT SHRIMP! The farm raised crap fed excuse for ((SHRIMP)) that is sold at any supermarket in the FUSA isn't fit for human consumption. If they aren't properly and thoroughly cooked you run the...
  18. Jungle Jim

    Shrimp Buying

    Hey Roberto............. No worries about streetside camarones! Ice? We don't need no stinking ice! They are perfectly safe to eat! We keep em soaked in Clorox Bleach! That's why our grande Blues are so white! Even if they were rotto when WE got them they are perfectly safe and sterilized...
  19. Jungle Jim

    In the End It Didn't Really Matter

    Me tinks Mexi-Mo is a newly arrived Hawaiian shirted cool-ero, freshly certified and just retired aspiring real-ate-tor testing the local waters. Planning on giving Joni and the Bat Man a run for their home turf. Maybe the fortunes to be made at El Golfo de Santa Clara could suit Him, Her, It...
  20. Jungle Jim

    Butt Head Aduanas Y Camino of Death

    Back................. So the extremely certified y bonafied organic and delightfully fragrant black Jello has now brought a new windfall of life support to the typically lifeless scalding black asphalt of the Camino Costal de Sonora. We saw dozens of those little tan Juancitos and a few...