My understanding is the 20 meter wide Federal Zone basically begins at the high tide line and extends back to the front boundary of beach-front properties. As beach erosion occurs over time, periodically the Feds resurvey the Federal Zone boundaries to follow the high tide line. If the Federal Zone is moved back into a beach front property the annual property taxes of that property will triple. The way to prevent this from happening is to apply for and secure a Federal Zone Concession which will lock the Federal Zone boundaries in front of your property as long as you build a sea wall making a reasonable attempt to prevent beach erosion from occurring. And stay current with your annual property taxes and Fed Zone Concession fees. I heard there were areas in LC where over the years the Federal Zone was resurveyed and moved back to a point where it was getting close to the second row properties.Don't know about moving the Federal zone. Two of the homes are out in section 5 and 9, the tip of the peninsula. Also heard a rumor that Tessoro has significant structural problems.
Found one of those horned rattleshakes in my beach shelter we leave up at Santo Tomas... another under the kayak ( we leave on beach above tide ten years never lost one)Not to mention the snakes. Damn things scare the crap out of us when they dart out in front of you.