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  1. S

    Animal Certificates of Health at Border

    You're referring to some older posts. Sometimes rules at the border seem to change with the wind. A couple weeks ago, I handed over a certificate of health dated May 3. No problem. So I'm just going with the every-six-months plan until I hear differently.
  2. S

    Critical water shortage in Penasco

    Ha! Yeah, this is a bit like online roller derby. Not for the faint of heart. :)
  3. S

    Critical water shortage in Penasco

    Here is the spoon-feed version, as I understand it: People with water tanks (and businesses as well, as they use water tanks) are not experiencing a problem. Some residents with city water in some areas are experiencing low water pressure because workers are repairing an aging piping system.
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    Critical water shortage in Penasco

    And your venting was well warranted!
  5. S

    Critical water shortage in Penasco

    Well – a quick little scrap, maybe. And I defend your self-defense. As with I am with Mis, Russ, I usually am right with you on your posts, and always appreciate your positive input. As for my 2 cents on the subject, I too, have tanks. No shortage here. But in talking with a local friend...
  6. S

    Critical water shortage in Penasco

    Um, I know you're "worked up" about the Roberto-Russ cat fight, but I have no interest in contention. I think you may have misunderstood: My response was to Mexico Joe's political bait, which I didn't take. Common, Mis -- you and I agree on almost every post.
  7. S

    Critical water shortage in Penasco

    Withholding comment to avoid the political arena.
  8. S

    Crime - Surprised it isn't here yet...

    Yeah -- This is something the municipal government had better suddenly become more interested in, unless they want to reawaken the tourist-ghost-town situation.
  9. S

    Critical water shortage in Penasco

    Whew! Thank goodness they base the claim on the global warming scam rather than a justifiable cause.
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    Flights into RP

    Well so much for that problem . . . Hope this flight path sticks . . .
  11. S

    Flights into RP

    Interesting. Not sure why they chose to re-launch Penasco stops in the middle of summer. Hope they can stay with it until the usual resurge of seasonal visitors in October . . . .
  12. S

    Bad accident this morning

    Wasn't aware. And yeah -- at night I'd imagine 8 is way safer. and worth the extra minutes (unless you get a train in Maricopa!) I travel 238 during the day, when traffic is down.
  13. S

    Bad accident this morning

    Haven't seen the crazy drivers on Dead Cow to the extent that it was years ago -- maybe because it seems to be patrolled more. Certainly haven't seen any dead cows for a few years, in contrast to the "cow litter" that was always enroute in years past. I've timed both routes, and Dead Cow saves...
  14. S

    Best hydration drink

    CHILLS are another symptom. May be minor and hardly recognizable -- might even be initially perceived as a tingling sensation. But it is true that (probably due to variations in the rate and severity of dehydration in each case) some people do go from zero to 10 with no clue. In any case...
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    I hate humidity. But considering that it's more than 10 degrees cooler, and slighty breezier than PHX, I'll take Penasco. In Phoenix, my air conditioner would be running overtime. Here, a few oscillating fans have done the trick. That said, the wind velocity is a big factor. And the beaches...
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    Dear Landshark and Miramar: As I sit with feet in water in Paradise, please do not disclose that information. :)
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    This is typically the start of mosquito season, but nothing yet. Generally, about a week or so after a good rain is when they appear in force.
  18. S

    New options to get to Penasco

    No (real) need for the explanation . . . . Any nonpredator was able to recognize that. . . .
  19. S

    Satisfied Frog

    I visited there for the first time this week. Not my kind of food . . . But I will say that the margaritas are almost as good as those at Casa Del Capitan. (Oh, and some previous Del Capitan servers are behind the counter.)
  20. S

    Sting Ray Bites

    Don't let it intimidate you -- if there are no fresh grapefruits on hand, you can just substitute with water