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  1. moore_rb

    20 reasons why Fishing is better than S E X

    #20 - No matter how much whiskey you've had, you can still Fish. #19 - A limp rod is still useful while Fishing. #18 - You don't have to hide your Fishing magazines. #17 - It is perfectly acceptable to pay a professional to Fish with you once in a while. #16 - The Ten...
  2. moore_rb

    A Joke...

    One day a man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very sexy nightie. "Tie me up," she purred, "and you can do anything you want." So, he tied her up, and went fishing.
  3. moore_rb

    A Joke...

    A golfer walks in the house after a long day on the course "How was golf, dear?" his wife asks. "Exhausting" says the man "Exhausting? Since when is Golf exhausting?" His wife asks. "Well" the man replies, "Poor Fred had a heart attack and dropped dead on the first tee; so for the rest...
  4. moore_rb

    I film a short documentary about Rocky Point

    Little to add to Wahoo's critique above- shrimping is the primary commercial harvest - I wouldn't mention marlin or any other species- RP is not considered a marlin destination- sailfish maybe in summer, but very few marlin are hooked up here. Geography: Seas of Cortez, not Gulf of Mexico...
  5. moore_rb

    Rocky Point Crime: Are we there yet?

    It seems they are more honorable (if not Mafioso), at least...
  6. moore_rb

    Final Report by DEFente on Shooting!

    :gayfight: :cheers:
  7. moore_rb

    Final Report by DEFente on Shooting!

    HAH. MORE ad hominem name calling...? Why do you attack me personally? Boo hoo hoo I thought the LAST thing a bleeding heart would do is try to deliberately hurt someone else's feelings. More hypocrisy. I LOVE it. Do you SERIOUSLY think I live my life to impress socially and...
  8. moore_rb

    Final Report by DEFente on Shooting!

    Hey- I dated my fair share of superficial cheerleaders back in the day. I wasn't ALWAYS bald headed and leather-faced from the sun, you know...:cheers: The good looking chicks were always high maintenance (spend more money on them, get less sex from them, and have to listen to them drone on...
  9. moore_rb

    Winner of sports fishing tourney.

    yup.... we missed it by 4 pounds. our 2nd place fish was 76, and our 3rd place fish was 73. Congrats to Senor Banus.
  10. moore_rb

    Final Report by DEFente on Shooting!

    Just like there's no question that a lot of Ugly women are disguised by a pretty face, and a big set of hooters....
  11. moore_rb

    Final Report by DEFente on Shooting!

    HAH - I don't think there's any "love" in either situation... perhaps the experience at guau guau's is actually more genuine? If you find an ugly chick is a better firecracker in the sack, then why waste time chasing the self obsessed hot ones..? HAHAHA let the rich Narco's be the ones...
  12. moore_rb

    Rocky Point Crime: Are we there yet?

    Great point. Let's all get real here: Guards and gates can not (and will not) prevent crime. What guards and gates do is increase inconvenience, making external criminals more likely to go expend their efforts elsewhere, where it is easier to get in and out of; but guards can not prevent...
  13. moore_rb

    Rocky Point Crime: Are we there yet?

    Stay away from my wife's water-shoes.... :lobster:
  14. moore_rb

    Rocky Point Crime: Are we there yet?

    What is the world coming to when I am "liking" Roberto's posts....? :har:
  15. moore_rb

    Home Invasion Fact Check

    I would like it stated on the record for all eternity that not only do I not know what really happened, I don't really even want to know what really happened. I think I prefer the warm and cozy comfort of my blind ignorance in this particular matter. :-D I'm just gonna take Langrimas' advice...
  16. moore_rb

    Crescent rolls

    I saw a thread titled "Crescent Rolls" and saw that it had 20 replies, and I thought "Wow- that's a lot of talk about crescent rolls" :chef: So, I had to open the thread and give it a read... That is all.
  17. moore_rb

    Oh no arizona market closes!

    Man.... what if the day came when people started learning that most of the successful businesses on Earth were all funded by the "illegal" drug trade? HSBC - one of the biggest banks on Earth has been basically nailed red-handed as the largest drug money laundering operation there is. Has...
  18. moore_rb

    Home Invasion Fact Check

    No it is not.... This thread demonstrates perfectly what everyone already knows... crime (in all forms) sucks. Criminals suck. Predators suck, but they can not deny their nature. Therefore the only sane world we can all live in is one where the predators are self-aware of their predatory...
  19. moore_rb

    Home Invasion Fact Check

    Ok, here's the straight poop on the whole greek thing: The mexicans HATE the greeks.... because the Greeks were the first civilization to cultivate and harvest cilantro. If you even MENTION that fact to a mexican, they unleash the sicarios to take care of you. so there, I've taken my life...
  20. moore_rb

    Rocky Point Crime: Are we there yet?

    I already told you about the greeks... They make a mean sandwich.