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  1. moore_rb

    Jerry at the DNC

    Hmmmm.... I thought only Libertarians understood the symbolism of the Guy Fawkes mask.
  2. moore_rb

    Best Sea Side Breakfasts

    is Pitahaya open for breakfast every day? What time do they open?
  3. moore_rb

    Bottom Fish Release Rig

    Man, I love BloodyDecks. I was going to do a diagram and a post that demonstrates the rig that we use to release inflated groupers (which doesn't seem to work as well with deep water rooster fish :???:) but BlooodyDecks saved me the effort. This is the exact rig we use: I use an inverted...
  4. moore_rb

    Julio Rooster

    Nope. :( We tried to "throw" him back down the same way they do in Cabo, but he kept floating back belly-up, so we tried sending him back down on the weighted release rig that we use to successfully release inflated grouper, but he still came floating back up 5 minutes later, so into the fish...
  5. moore_rb

    Julio Rooster

    Lobos, and yes....
  6. moore_rb

    Julio Rooster

    We were over 120 feet, and he hit a yo-yo iron about 10 cranks off the bottom, so he was probably around 80 feet deep. At first, I thought I had a 50 poundish grouper. We were fishing during that string of storms 2 weeks ago that had been dumping 2-3 inches of rain every 48 hours or so, so...
  7. moore_rb

    Puerto Lobos to Puerto Libertad

    My first recommendation would be to take a really good look at it in Google Earth. There is a huge Mountain range (Sierra Julios), that come right down to the shore, halfway between Lobos and Libertad- It is not all beach. These mountains easily rise to 3500 feet, and do not look easily...
  8. moore_rb

    Julio Rooster

    15 miles south of Pto Lobos:
  9. moore_rb

    " I came here to catch fish and that's just what we were there to do."

    Bah. I make bait bigger than that. :D Did she catch it on a Zebco 33? now THAT would be impressive... I would imagine that the geriatric nature of the fish might also be a factor in the bigger/older ones like that croaking on the line. To get that big, a fish has to have a blazing...
  10. moore_rb

    Penasco Sea Port is "Imminent," Casinos, Duty Free Stores a Must

    I heard last weekend that the sandy beach port project was in jeopardy again - still some conflict over whether they can dredge enough loose sediment out to achieve the required depth necesary for cruise ships before hitting undredgable bedrock. I also heard that the Mayan was moving forward...
  11. moore_rb

    The US Election (yes, more politics)

    Yes, but we ALL know that that's just a tactic the other side uses to disguise their own insecurity over the fact that we are actually superior to them. :geek:
  12. moore_rb

    The US Election (yes, more politics)

    Dorado, and Barriletes are offshore (no GPS necessary, just look for blue water and sargasso weeds 5-30 miles out) Inshore, trolling crankbaits for big sierra and Corvina always works this time of year (drag your jointed Rebel lures back and forth along Playa Encanto about 1-2 miles off the...
  13. moore_rb

    The US Election (yes, more politics)

    Hah- tell that to the Richmond Times Dispatch...
  14. moore_rb

    Mexico Issues Travel Warning For Chicago

    So, what's good for Hawaii is good for everywhere else by default...? Government by behavioral normalization via published statistics... so simple to do. Just strip everyone of their humanity, and begin governing (and treating) them the same way the rancher treats his livestock... Fail.
  15. moore_rb

    The US Election (yes, more politics)

    Originally posted at (via Richmond Times-Dispatch), The past several weeks have made one thing crystal-clear: Our country faces unmitigated disaster if the Other Side wins. No reasonably intelligent person can deny this. All you have to do is look at the way the Other Side has...
  16. moore_rb

    Mexico Issues Travel Warning For Chicago

    Don't listen to him, Russ... When the temp is above 80 and the humidity above 70, any time's a good time for a frosty cerveza. Heck, I'd even poor it over my Cheerios.
  17. moore_rb

    Mexico Issues Travel Warning For Chicago

    No it isn't... A national ban on stupidity would be far more effective than a ban on hand guns. Oh, and maybe a ban on mental illness - that should work equally well.
  18. moore_rb

    Bleeding heart liberal songs.

    The Self Determined Libertarian Philosopher's Song :)
  19. moore_rb

    A Joke...

    The Olympics Edition Some things are best left unsaid: Weightlifting commentator: "This is Gregoriava from Bulgaria. I saw her snatch this morning during her warm up and it was amazing." Dressage commentator: "This is really a lovely horse and I speak from personal experience since I once...
  20. moore_rb

    I film a short documentary about Rocky Point

    Uh-oh - we have an off-topic disagreement brewing... These things rarely end well. :popcorn: Be on the alert for thread hijacking, and other chicanery to commence.... :sharks: