Julio Rooster


Stay Thirsty My Friends
We were over 120 feet, and he hit a yo-yo iron about 10 cranks off the bottom, so he was probably around 80 feet deep. At first, I thought I had a 50 poundish grouper.

We were fishing during that string of storms 2 weeks ago that had been dumping 2-3 inches of rain every 48 hours or so, so the fishing was pretty slow, but this guy pretty much saved the day from being a total bust.

Vinnie- I saw your report from your Lobos trip back in April on the Getbent website - it looked like you guys had a stellar trip!


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Beautiful fish Robert, you did let it live i hope!
Nope. :(

We tried to "throw" him back down the same way they do in Cabo, but he kept floating back belly-up, so we tried sending him back down on the weighted release rig that we use to successfully release inflated grouper, but he still came floating back up 5 minutes later, so into the fish box he went.

I will say this however: All the rumors and stories you hear about Rooster fish being totally inedible might be just a tad inaccurate. Yes, the meat was dark red and firm, but the texture and flavor after grilling it is rather like that of a beef tenderloin or filet mignon. It was NOT overly gamey or "fishy" tasting at all.

But still, I would have much rather seen it swim away...


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
But still, I would have much rather seen it swim away...
Agreed. Sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. Totuava are also terrible in that regard if you catch one while grouper fishing 100+ ft. Nearly impossible to get revived and release alive.

Red Drum

Vinnie- I saw your report from your Lobos trip back in April on the Getbent website - it looked like you guys had a stellar trip!
Yeah Robert, that trip back in April was awesome! I got my first Rooster down there last September around the same depth of water but near the surface. I can't wait to make it back down there. Hook-Up!