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  1. moore_rb

    Mexican law put into effect to cap cash real estate transactions at 500k pesos

    I think you need to spend more time reading and thinking about what I ACTUALLY WROTE, instead of trying to INTERPRET what you believe I was actually thinking when I wrote it. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar... a fact frequently lost on those who believe that they know what we think (or why we...
  2. moore_rb

    Mexican law put into effect to cap cash real estate transactions at 500k pesos

    Yeah, I think that's exactly what they are trying to do... unfortunately, laws apply to EVERYONE, not just drug dealers or those who maintain nefarious or illegal activities. I agree that it would be "odd" for someone who is not a drug dealer to have 500k pesos in a suitcase under their bed...
  3. moore_rb

    Mexican law put into effect to cap cash real estate transactions at 500k pesos

    Consider the following question: Why is 200k sitting in a checking account considered to be more "acceptable" for carrying out a trade, than the same 200k in the form of printed bank notes?
  4. moore_rb

    Mexican law put into effect to cap cash real estate transactions at 500k pesos

    I agree that this law has no relevance to transactions carried out in the ELECTRONIC banking universe. But, you have to understand what this law REALLY means. The paper money that can only be legally printed and issued by a government, is concurrently being deemed (by that SAME government) to...
  5. moore_rb

    Mexican law put into effect to cap cash real estate transactions at 500k pesos

    Wow- no more cash real estate transactions in Mexico for more than 500k pesos (about $40k US) will be allowed, and no more "other" cash transactions (cars, etc) in amounts exceeding 200k pesos (about $15k US) will be allowed. 5 years in mexican prison for violators. Large Cash...
  6. moore_rb

    Federal Protection

    Yeah, those dead sea lions REEK.
  7. moore_rb

    Federal Protection

    You're lucky Roberto didn't notice, or you might have made the front page of the RockyPoint Times.... :wink: To be fair- we ASKED the Federales if we could park there, and they said "no problemo". However, I failed to run up the street to Roberto's house to ask HIM if it was ok. Lesson...
  8. moore_rb

    Federal Protection

    The boat was supposed to be cover... you weren't supposed to see the machine gun behind it. Or, maybe you only assume they were out fishing - perhaps they were actually unloading the machine gun following a very productive day of sea-lion hunting... Either way, the Federales must have been...
  9. moore_rb

    Fishing getting better

    BTW- the water temps ranged from 83.6 to 84.1 on my transducer all weekend. Give them a little more time to come down into the 76-78 degree range and things might start exciting
  10. moore_rb

    Fishing getting better

    I don't think the warm water is helping, that's for sure. El Nino in the pacific has meant REALLY warm water in the SOC this year. on the way out of the harbor on Sunday I spotted a HUGE school of candy-sized mackerel that formed a cloud 100 yards long. I dropped a sabiki right down into them...
  11. moore_rb

    Fishing getting better

    Congratulations Bill- you might have been the only person to catch anything this weekend. We ran out Saturday morning, and things were calm until you got about 2 miles out, then it was 3 foot whitecaps and really nasty trees growing on the horizon, so we ended up just hopping around all the...
  12. moore_rb

    How important is the expiration date on heartworm Rx?

    My most frequent fishing partner Trent is a clinical (hospital) Pharmacist, and he told me many times that the expiration dates on most non-antibiotic and non-steroidal commercial drugs are effectively meaningless. The effectivelness of the active ingredient may have decreased by a...
  13. moore_rb

    Access to Rants and Raves

    I completely dig (and even appreciate) this move, Stu. I don't even think I'm going to ask for the password- I don't want it. I am of the considered opinion that my personal philosophies will remain intact (and unscarred) regardless of my willingness to share them, but why bother? My peace...
  14. moore_rb

    Where's Roberto?

    Hey, I don't want Mossad over here false-flagging my ass next.... 8-)
  15. moore_rb

    Where's Roberto?

    Yeah, I've read about the Beirut/Israel connection before. I think I'll side-step that one. At some point, even a Conspiracy nut needs to know when to back off (lest he be accused of equating anti-zionism with anti-semitism)...
  16. moore_rb

    "Baja Concept" 1010 Trench Tuna Trip 9/22 w-pics

    Dodos and deck-flappers... What a blast. I wanted to plan a trip to SD this summer to get in on the El Nino action, but I could never get the numbers to work out for the diesel/boat gas, and accommodations to work out and keep the costs reasonable. I should have just called Vinnie...
  17. moore_rb

    Sailboats at sandy beach

    Last year we were returning to port from the 22 mile reef during the regatta. Man, navigating through a bunch of sailboats is like trying to avoid the orange cones on a high-speed skid pad...
  18. moore_rb

    Where's Roberto?

    Wow- Today's been a big day regarding conspiracy theory articles in the vast blog o sphere. Here's another one: Submitted by Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, You are capable of critical thinking. You distrust mainstream media. You like nature. You think it’s a good idea to...
  19. moore_rb

    Where's Roberto?

    Ok, this one goes out to all you "normalcy biased" types who frequently rail against my promotion of "conspiracy theories": America – and Western Civilization As a Whole – Was Founded On a Conspiracy Theory - Washington's Blog Please pay careful attention to the section sub-titled "But our...
  20. moore_rb

    Story on Rocky Point violence

    What? how can that be? Tourism is the "industrial revolution" for the new millennium... If Henry Ford were alive today, he'd be cranking out timeshare resorts - I guarantee it. :wink: