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  1. Stuart

    Trip report Aug 8, 2020

    Unfortunately, corruption abounds, but so does decency. A recent story for you. Mi amigo and I got down to Penasco late afternoon on a Friday. Went to Whale Hill and pulled the boat out, proceeded down Freemont to the Pemex to gas up the boat (across from Reggies). Felt a bump going down...
  2. Stuart

    Trip report Aug 8, 2020

    Thanks for the report! I always used to make a trip in August; the town was usually dead as business was slow and a lot of places would close for vacation in August But the humidity was off the charts uncomfortable, even out fishing. Hard to drink enough to stay hydrated!
  3. Stuart

    Worth a read

    The rise of "fake news" is in direct proportion to the decline of journalistic integrity. Stories and sources used to be researched and vetted before being ran. In the current 24/7 news cycle in which we live, all that went out the window. It's who breaks the story first these days, facts be...
  4. Stuart

    Worth a read

    There is... Off Topic. Why, you want to try herding cats, Wendell? (kidding mostly). Hope you and the missus are well.
  5. Stuart

    Worth a read

    Kind of reinforces my belief about owning any property in Mexico - never invest more than you can afford to walk away from at a moment's notice. This guy had invested millions. For me, it would be a trailer or RV. Maybe a small casita. Still sad to see how it all crumbled for him.
  6. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    For what it's worth Mary, my Medicare card arrived in the mail this week. No way I feel or look that old. It's just a number. 65 is the new 40! Now if I could just convince my arthritic knees of that... too much time hitting the deck on my knees to unhook fish.
  7. Stuart

    Fishing withdrawal

    I've had similar experiences chasing the stripers at Pleasant. They are there, along with the bait balls, but damned if I could get one to hit anything. Back east, we'd slow troll surgical eels for them in the Chesapeake. Never tried it at Pleasant, but would be worth a shot. Don't know if you...
  8. Stuart

    Fishing withdrawal

    They are okay to eat. Where mercury becomes an issue is more in pelagic fish (like bluefin tuna) that have a higher fat content. Those big ones can have a high mercury content. Also, the longer lived the fish, the higher the mercury content. You'd have to eat a lot of fish over a long period...
  9. Stuart

    El Barco oyster farm video

    Don't wanna be a dick, but I'm a Maryland boy. You don't eat oysters (East coast, at least, mebbe different in Mexico) in any month without an R in it. Too toxic during May, June, July, August. We are talking filter feeders here and the water is simply too warm.
  10. Stuart

    Fishing withdrawal

    Another nice catch! Wonder what they're using for bait? Typically, we'd go a mile or so outta the harbor and drift fish with sabikis for bonefish and throw them live into the bait tank. Once on the reef, we'd use a custom grouper rig (thank-you, Ric Felder) and hook a live boner through the...
  11. Stuart

    Fishing withdrawal

    Go get 'em! I used to take my boat up to PLEZ. We were in a back cove and I kept hearing something hitting the surface hard. Motored slowly over and there was a huge striper struggling just under the surface. Netted his happy ass. Upon close examination, the pig striper had a damned large...
  12. Stuart

    Fishing withdrawal

    I went out in a panga to the location you mentioned, Joe. No GPS. He just lined up on the mountains as you describe. 270 sounds about right. Maybe 12 to 15 miles?
  13. Stuart

    Fishing withdrawal

    That's because us grouper slayers ain't been allowed in town! (Nice catch, though!)
  14. Stuart

    Who was here in the beginning?

    Joe? Never stop. Just consider what's advice and what's opinion. Your advice is priceless. Your opinion, well.... not so much. Same for all of us here. Love ya Man! No homo.
  15. Stuart

    Who was here in the beginning?

    Steve Schwab is not a bad guy, I know him personally. He's about rentals of existing condos/properties and serves the needs of many that just want the "Mexico" experience without shitting their life savings on a purchase themselves. He's expanded and grown significantly throughout Mexico...
  16. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    You're welcome!
  17. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Do I just ban everyone? Yes, there's plenty of shit that's uncalled for, but there's a ton of good current information. I let the kindergarteners play to a point. Use the Ignore feature for those that trip your trigger and you won't see their nonsense. Thanks!
  18. Stuart

    Who was here in the beginning?

    The site was originally started by Mike O'Neal and was primarily about fishing, but covered a few other topics as well. The forum software was ancient with little control of users or content. I was the original moderator. The fishing forum was robust with lots of regular reports and good...
  19. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Uncalled for, Queen.
  20. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Kenny is my friend. I have other very liberal friends. The trick to remaining friends over many, many years? Put politics aside and concentrate on why you're friends in the first place. In my case, it's usually the love of fishing and the outdoors. Fish don't know or talk politics.