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  1. Stuart

    Now for the bad news

    I ALWAYS police my truck before a trip. We shoot in the desert and I'm a firm believer of pack out what you take in. 9, 5.56, 7.62, 12 Guage empties all rolling around in the truck bed. I refuse to be "f'd" because there happens to be some empty brass rolling around. Not worth it at all.
  2. Stuart

    Now for the bad news

    A gun locked in a storage at Why does ya zero good when confronted with guns in Mexico. Sad, but troof. I've never carried over the border. Ever. But just maybe it's time to reconsider that philosophy. Just sayin...
  3. Stuart

    Now for the bad news

    Correct. CJ was just reporting it because obviously she knows these folks. She has (had) a house in Cholla as well as Ted's place in Lobos. She is a super person and I've seen her buckle down and kick some grouper ass in Lobos. Regardless, this event changes a lot about the safety of going to...
  4. Stuart

    Now for the bad news

    This outrageously horrible. I personally know Ted and CJ and have spent time with them in Lobos on several occasions. Two of the most honest and real people you will ever meet. The horror... the horror of that story. It's a shame that gringo families are now targets. I couldn't have cared a...
  5. Stuart

    Now for the bad news

    Four wheel drive low. Crawl over anything. Sorry about your protest, but you do not have the right to impede my free travel.
  6. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    I seem to remember that years ago, somebody retro'd one into an overnight fisher. Did couple of day trips out of Penasco. Always thought this would be pretty cool.
  7. Stuart

    LONG Day!

    Update on the accident on 85. Woman and two small children died.
  8. Stuart

    Wind Turbines

    Towing my boat back and forth, I've gotten X-rayed many times. Used to get directed around the right side of the border entrance. Also h ad the X-ray truck circle me scanning. They always made me (and family) get outta the truck and stand by in the distance. No worries, zap it as you see fit...
  9. Stuart

    Big boat sank

    I was actually thinking I'd like to get some backing and produce a documentary about life on shrimp boat in the Cortez and discuss the issues they are facing. First hand.
  10. Stuart

    Big boat sank

    Then you have this:[U.S.]+of+diesel+oil/to/ton#:~:text=How%20many%20gallon%20%5BU.S.%5D%20of,The%20answer%20is%2028.555828555829 So all depends what is is. (Ton) By the straight 7.15 weight per gallon, that's 40,000 lbs of additional boat weight, which...
  11. Stuart

    Wind Turbines

    Ya might wanna rethink that.,600%20m%20of%20the%20lines. It was found that children living in homes as far as 600 m from power lines had an elevated risk of leukemia. An increased risk of...
  12. Stuart

    Big boat sank

    28.5 gallons of diesel in a ton 20 tons = 570 gallons As of 9/21, diesel in Mexico averaged $3.45 per gallon. So... figure $1966 USD for a shrimper fill-up. (Used to do similar calc for my boat gas)
  13. Stuart

    Wind Turbines

    I don't know a damn thing about wind turbines causing anything but dead birds. On the other hand, I have watched a couple documentaries about living too close to high voltage power lines and the effects of such. Not good. Was pretty telling when the guy walked under the lines holding an...
  14. Stuart

    LONG Day!

    Blowing about 20 outta the SSE. Just like it has been for weeks. Makes for a rough ride to the 51, head seas the whole way. I'm too old to bother getting beat up like that anymore.
  15. Stuart

    HEADS UP: South of Gila Bend, MP5. DPS stating closure will be for 6 or more hours.

    Yeah, it was a bad one. We got caught in that mess Friday morning heading down. Turned around and back to Casa Grande through the reservation to 86 into Why. With border wait of an hour, took us over 7 hours to get to RP. Saw the burn scar on 85 yesterday coming back up. Nasty and frightening.
  16. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Odd, but the corporate mantra. The Malecon is a dichotomy of mask/ no mask.
  17. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    They've all come down. Except for maybe Cholla, I heard, and haven't seen any. Beach is busy and the Malecon absolutely packed today.
  18. Stuart

    LONG Day!

    Came down yesterday. All good until we turned off 8 onto 85. Traffic at standstill. Bad accident with fatal, 85 shut down completely at 8:30 am both directions. Saw today it was a semi involved and three deaths. We turned around and went back to Casa Grande, down BIA15 through the reservation...
  19. Stuart

    Wind Turbines

    Noticed the same last trip a couple of weeks ago and it was blowing like a hurricane. Neither of them were spinning and they should have been going like helicopters in that wind.
  20. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    I can live with it. Actually some decent info and history and NOT political sperging! :clap: