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  1. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    I learned to take a shower with two 12oz bottles of water one trip!
  2. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Nice thought, but tough due to the geophysics of the area - steep tide, shallow water depth, water temps into the 90s in the summer. The Pacific side is much different. Nearly all Atlantic salmon are farmed these days and there's lots of issues around it -- disease being a huge one and the...
  3. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    They'll splash it when I win the lotto and buy it. :cool: It is quite the boat. I've heard that Gus Brown owns it. But there it sits, as it has for years.
  4. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    You"re taking something personally that was meant for the forum as a whole. The point STILL being, the shitbickering about politics adds nothing of value to this thread.
  5. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    As a matter of fact, no, I don’t. My political beliefs are my own. I'd rather relate here to what makes me love fishing and Mexico, rather than which chicken is gonna be in my pot. And for those that doubt me (yes, we used to have brutal politics here), please take me at my word that I honestly...
  6. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    This thread is getting very tiresome.
  7. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    2021 will be an ice age. Arguing over any of this is futile. Mother Nature is the only one that knows, despite our "superior knowledge" of weather forecasting. Yes, it's been brutally hot this year and my citrus trees are bearing the brunt of that. It's not an apocalypse by any means. Last...
  8. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Not surprised. As said earlier, it's day by day at the port right now because of the constant strong south winds. Breaks the longstanding tradition of a solid blow for three straight days, then you'd get a couple of days where it would all lay down and was great for fishing. Right now, those...
  9. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    I'm just glad we opted to go earlier during the week and didn't have to experience any Holiday weekend hassle. Holiday weekends are the worst. Oh, something I didn't mention that was new - they installed parking meters on the Malecon. Yup. Not that parking there wasn't already a huge hassle...
  10. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    We were one of two cars crossing Lukeville yesterday about 11:00. Asked what we had to declare.... fish and shrimp. Have a nice day and waved through. Same as it ever was.
  11. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Yes. We launched and went out Monday. It was blowing pretty good, but doable. Tuesday was totally blown out and the harbor captain closed the port. Sort of day by day right now due to the weather. Very strong blow from the SSE near daily.
  12. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    The essential/non-essential thing - no one stopped or asked us why we were coming into Mexico or even where we were going. Red light/green light at the border per usual.
  13. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    We experienced nearly same yesterday. Pay $37, wait 15 minutes, but result was negative. Supposedly an antibody test and if positive, home you go. You could have antibodies from months ago. Doesn't matter. Masks seem optional. Some are wearing them, some not. Malecon was full. Mostly Mexicans...
  14. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Roberto... is Capone's open?
  15. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Well... it's essential to me. Need I say more?
  16. Stuart

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Going on Sunday. Will report.
  17. Stuart

    Trip report Aug 8, 2020

    I'd have to change too many names to protect the guilty! Jahaha!
  18. Stuart

    Trip report Aug 8, 2020

    I love these stories. Look, I'd be lying if I said that shit doesn't happen if you're sober. It still does. And us gringos? Pacifico por favor el culo Tecate! Personally, I've been blessed and never been raped by the policia. But to Joe's point, names do matter. To quote an old Navy...
  19. Stuart

    Trip report Aug 8, 2020

    It's a universal problem in Mexico. They string shit across streets with no regard to height limits. A semi going down Freemont would have had the same issue. Too low. I've torn down wires before with my boat ( also US legal height to tow. ) Pedal to the metal, keep on driving!