Rocky Point Crime: Are we there yet?


Thanks for the warning, Roberto! Sometimes if you trace a rumor or a fragment of information backward, you can find something useful.
Useful for what purpose? Useful for you to develop a sensational story so you can keep your job? Useful to improve readership? Useful that you already got several stories out of it?

What you offer today under the ruberic 'News" is highly filtered, selected, distorted crap offered for the sole purpose of garnering viewers, readers for the purpose of increasing advertising revenue, nothing else. It's all about the money and you pander to the base instincts of people for money. Prostitutes have more integrity, at least they admit what they are doing. You let everyone know that it happened, now you are looking for new 'angles' to justify vomiting all over again. Bet you love a photo of the blood on the roadway, or a couple of good closeups of the bodies, that's very important news, right. Don' t forget to repeat "50,000 people killed in Mexico Violence" as often as you can, tha't a sexy line. How about including that "50,000 deaths supported by US drug users" . Remember that every dollar used in violence in Mexico came out of the pocket of a US criminal drug user, repeat that. Course if you enjoy a joint now and then or daily, or a line or two after work, you don't wanna complain that way.



AKA Carnac
Folks, this is Tim Steller (note the spelling, Larry!), the reporter of the story in the Arizona Daily Star. FWIW, I'm interested in the July 17 home invasion, the July 19 shootout, and any possible connection between the two. I'd be happy to hear what you have to say. I'm at or 520-807-8427.

I've been down to PP quite a few times but am not a regular. I'm also skeptical of most of what I hear unless there's some way to substantiate it, but I'm happy to work at substantiation.
Sorry Tim, no disrespect intended, but as a reporter you would be the last person in the world, I would contact. National Enquirer would be second to last. Its one thing to jack around here on this site for fun, its another talk to a reporter. I knew about it right after it happened and never would have posted anything, but things got so messed up,


Looking to enjoy my stay in Rocky Point

azfish - I am hoping for the same experience in a couple weeks renting a nice place in Las Conchas. The problem is our group of "adults and children" would like to stay out of harms way and we have options on where we will vacation. I have been to RP many times and stayed numerous places and have never heard of something like this happening. So at the moment this story is causing some of the other members of my party to reconsider staying there or possibly switching to Las Palomas which they think is more secure (something about not being on the ground floor). I think security unfortunately is always reactionary instead of proactive so most likely Las Conchas will now be the safest part of town. It seems odd to me that there aren't more facts out there on this unfortunate event when it happened July 17th.
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As you say Bill, no disrespect intended, but why would anyone with more than a few vested interests in PP want it reported?


Wahoo Sez :"valentines day" style masacre."

Oh Pleeeeze. What a great line, maybe you will get to see it in print. "A well known Puerto Penasco informant described events in Penasco as a "Valentines Day Masacre (sic), but he cannot be identified because we don't know who he is !!! Just the kind of crap we need there Wahooo, perfect. He's the blind guy that has a hold of the tail.

Now I have a stage 10 headache.

AZ Miguel

My 2 cents, We were there the day after. There was nothing different from being here in AZ. We had no troubles and a blast being in RP. The police have everything under control, just like in the USA. Dont hang around shady people and you will be fine.
The police had everything under control last week when my family and I down last week. They were traveling in vehicle groups of four with masked officers riding in the back all sporting rifles. The army was also normal in the few locations we saw them also with masks and even larger rifles.
We had a great time but we kept our awareness level up. I was unaware that just down the street from where we were eating dinner at Brian's Sport Bar that their had been a shootout where police and a bystander had been killed. I wasn't worried, because I must have had my head in the sand, or news of this magnitude about Mexico tourist locations is squelched. If this had happened in Sedona the valley news would have been all over it but I don't think the local PD would be reacting the same a week later and I wouldn't expect the US Army would be staged in multiple locations either.
But we did have a good time and no one in the family ever felt as if they were in any imminent danger.


So if a U.S. reporter shows up looking to investigate this incident, we should run him off since the Mexican media and public officials have done such a great job of informing the public about this series of incidents in a timely manner?

Regarding the word "useful" - I consider it useful to know the nature of some of the occupants at Las Conchas and how some people there got into trouble. If Tim Steller can get us a clearer understanding of what actually happened, I'll be grateful for that even if he's just doing it to keep his job, make a name for himself, get girls, or whatever. The way it's gone so far, statements from public officials and the press have been so incomplete and contradictory that official channels seem no more reliable than the rumor mill. The shroud of mystery around these events only makes the tragedies more ominous.
Attacking the press is fun for everyone!!!:grin: Let's be frank: While many of you are concluding this was simply a bad-guys vs. bad-guys incident, that's a very convenient conclusion to reach because it whitewashes the problem. That doesn't mean it's not true, but it does mean that the conclusion should be treated with skepticism. lagrimas85 appears to have better information but is unwilling to go into detail.

Also, several of you are treating "selling papers" as if it were a sin. Our business depends on us being a worthwhile, relevant, accurate news source. So, yes, these stories sell papers -- and for good reason! If you have a critique or correction to my story, please let me know rather than broadly criticizing "The Media." I happily "sell papers" with good information.

If you think I've exaggerated about the incidents, go to the State Department's description of the home invasion in this bulletin: "In a separate incident, vacationers, many of whom were U.S. citizens, were victims of a home invasion during which adults and children were held at gunpoint while the house was robbed and a woman was sexually assaulted." In a SEPARATE INCIDENT, there was a "home invasion and assault that left a U.S. citizen severely injured" — i.e. there have been two home invasions affecting U.S. citizens in RP in the last four months.

Awaiting your calls and emails ;-) .... Tim, aka Señor Reporter ; 520-807-8427
Has any one released the names of the deceased or the address of the home invasion?

I'd love to see Senor Reporter (or any one) have a chance to shed some light on this with something besides rumors. I'm not really convinced of anything right now except there was shootout and a cop killed and that narco guy.


AKA Carnac
As you say Bill, no disrespect intended, but why would anyone with more than a few vested interests in PP want it reported?
Kenny, get your own sardines this year. Just kidding, I'll be your sardine boy again. Just PM me. It actually could work in some peoples favor here that it got reported. But I will report on that statement later.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Attacking the press is fun for everyone!!!:grin: Let's be frank: While many of you are concluding this was simply a bad-guys vs. bad-guys incident, that's a very convenient conclusion to reach because it whitewashes the problem. That doesn't mean it's not true, but it does mean that the conclusion should be treated with skepticism. lagrimas85 appears to have better information but is unwilling to go into detail.

Also, several of you are treating "selling papers" as if it were a sin. Our business depends on us being a worthwhile, relevant, accurate news source. So, yes, these stories sell papers -- and for good reason! If you have a critique or correction to my story, please let me know rather than broadly criticizing "The Media." I happily "sell papers" with good information.

If you think I've exaggerated about the incidents, go to the State Department's description of the home invasion in this bulletin: "In a separate incident, vacationers, many of whom were U.S. citizens, were victims of a home invasion during which adults and children were held at gunpoint while the house was robbed and a woman was sexually assaulted." In a SEPARATE INCIDENT, there was a "home invasion and assault that left a U.S. citizen severely injured" — i.e. there have been two home invasions affecting U.S. citizens in RP in the last four months.

Awaiting your calls and emails ;-) .... Tim, aka Señor Reporter ; 520-807-8427

You pry havent noticed because you just became a member of but nobody on here gives a flying fvck about what the state department releases!!!!!!!!! They bullsh!t just as mush as you do.


What is a US reporter going to learn on this site, These people are so far out in left field, its ridiculous.
Come on Tio, he already got a great quote form Wahoo. That might even get picked up on the National news, he will look great for picking it up FIRST !! And I think I'm far out in center field !!

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
This story is such bullsh!t. Find me a MOTIVE before I even start to believe this is a random act of violence against an AMERICAN TOURIST!

AZ Miguel

And no reports of funerals for the police or the bystander that lost their lives in the rolling machine gun battle that went throught the city streets.


Also, several of you are treating "selling papers" as if it were a sin. Our business depends on us being a worthwhile, relevant, accurate news source.

Your business depends on Pandering. Given the choice, you are gonna pander. Blood and guts sells, but some of us think it is not news worthy. It's not the selling papers, it the extremes you go through to do so. There is really littel worthwhile, relevant or accurate in today's news. I repeat, it is not news, it's vomit. How many stories do you hope to get out of this tragedy? Maybe you will get some National attention.

Awaiting your calls and emails ;-) .... Tim, aka Señor Reporter ; 520-807-8427
You remind me of another so called 'reporter' who wrote a hot story on some violence and in the process revealed some life threating information about a person involved, but he got the story. He did benefit from that as he got a job.

I spent almost 20 years in the media business. I know what is important to you guys. Bet you would have loved to work for Rupert, now there's a guy willing to go the extra mile for the facts.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
You remind me of another so called 'reporter' who wrote a hot story on some violence and in the process revealed some life threating information about a person involved, but he got the story. He did benefit from that as he got a job.

I spent almost 20 years in the media business. I know what is important to you guys. Bet you would have loved to work for Rupert, now there's a guy willing to go the extra mile for the facts.
That's why they call it the Fox Nothing Channel. Same way when I get on and they have a headline, "Man riding bike shot in Phoenix", you click on the link and literally there is about 4 lines of NOTHING, essentially reiterating the headline, man shot while riding his bike in Phoenix, no further details, check back later for more. It's like really?! That's hardly news, but as Roberto says, it grabbed my attention and while Im there I see all the pretty little advertising for BROWN HAND CENTER, guy beat his wife but hes great with your carpel tunnel.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator

have you had the opportunity to interview the "US citizens" that were "victims" of said home invasions?
You and I are in similar lines of work that require the play of words. I'll give one as an example...

event: A home invasion of a group of renters from the US recently took place. It appears that criminal ties and/or previous connections between both groups may be in play. The event led to a shootout a few days later between both groups, in which known criminals were killed in the shootout. Various reports point to a connection between both events and a connection that the home invasion was targeted.

clever wording: A born and bred American who loves apple pie and child of a weeping mother experienced a horrific event when a group of the most dangerous humans entered their vacationing home while they cooked hotdogs and made smores. The area that this heinous act took place is an area were god loving americans frequent.

Tim- you may want to consider further research other than cut and paste bits and pieces of info you read about online. For example do some investigative journalism regarding the 2 events and you may find out it was not as exciting and dangerous as you had hoped for.

best of luck!

Attacking the press is fun for everyone!!!:grin: Let's be frank: While many of you are concluding this was simply a bad-guys vs. bad-guys incident, that's a very convenient conclusion to reach because it whitewashes the problem. That doesn't mean it's not true, but it does mean that the conclusion should be treated with skepticism. lagrimas85 appears to have better information but is unwilling to go into detail.

Also, several of you are treating "selling papers" as if it were a sin. Our business depends on us being a worthwhile, relevant, accurate news source. So, yes, these stories sell papers -- and for good reason! If you have a critique or correction to my story, please let me know rather than broadly criticizing "The Media." I happily "sell papers" with good information.

If you think I've exaggerated about the incidents, go to the State Department's description of the home invasion in this bulletin: "In a separate incident, vacationers, many of whom were U.S. citizens, were victims of a home invasion during which adults and children were held at gunpoint while the house was robbed and a woman was sexually assaulted." In a SEPARATE INCIDENT, there was a "home invasion and assault that left a U.S. citizen severely injured" — i.e. there have been two home invasions affecting U.S. citizens in RP in the last four months.

Awaiting your calls and emails ;-) .... Tim, aka Señor Reporter ; 520-807-8427


I'd like to think Tim's private message box is now so full of inside tips and leads that he no longer has time to read through the rants he's getting here.

And I seriously doubt he's cutting and pasting what he's seen in this thread.

I'd like very much to know what really happened, and I'm sure I'm not alone.