No prob. I havent been on the radio with Rosie for a few months now - we (Naomi and I) are concentrating on our businesses as things seem to be taking off in a good way.Hey Russ; absolutely; Sorry, Mia culpa. You where on the road with the Travel guy. I assumed you and Rossie did the Radio Show together and she said it was discussed on the Radio. Again all assumptions and all wrong.
Accept my apology to using your Name in that post. You are one of the good guys.
Rocky Point Ramblings Saturdays noon to 2:00 Peñasco station 106.1What Radio Show are you people talking about?
I asked my original question to see if anyone had specific's on the other three of the "four" reported attacks. It seems that there is always some vague warning as to the "additional" dangers of Mexico. Yet when you actually investigate them, they turn out to be baseless, or old news from a year or two ago that is being regurgitated to validate yet another State Department excuse to issue a PP specific travel warning a month before Labor day.It didn't actually say what the other acts of violence were, and I'm wondering why they were so vague about them; if they happened at all.
Hasn't 911 been instituted down there? I thought I saw something about that a couple of months ago......FYI - from the RPTimesView attachment 4749
OK, Bill. I had a teacher who once asked me if I was just stupid or apethetic. I answered, I don't know and I don't care. So lets assume, at the beginning, that I am stupid.The break in and the shootings are related and started over a drink. There is also a good reason why there was no report from the guard gate, the attackers lived in Las Conchas. Home for years to many scoundrels, and most of them not Mexican.
Wrong Playa...According to everyone in my life...I don't know Jack.So you knew Jack and chose not to disclose on here...Can I ask you why you took that route!?
Sounds to me like you have the inside info on this Bill. Would you mind sharing the details with us?The break in and the shootings are related and started over a drink. There is also a good reason why there was no report from the guard gate, the attackers lived in Las Conchas. Home for years to many scoundrels, and most of them not Mexican.
Chari...I know about the 066, but I recall seeing something written that Mexico (or part) was instituting the 911 for emergencies....that, or senility is really kicking in.911 in Mexico is 066.
Jack- I think your brilliant deduction of the sequence of events is only missing one minor (but critical) detail:OK, Bill. I had a teacher who once asked me if I was just stupid or apethetic. I answered, I don't know and I don't care. So lets assume, at the beginning, that I am stupid.
I've been watching this story for a few weeks now and to tell the truth I cannot connect the dots. Your statement is the first one I've seen that appears to have a connection.
Let me see if I can figure this out by the sketchy information provided from various sources and stupid deductive skills.
It starts out with two groups of bad guys in a bar somewhere. One group lives in Las Conchas and the other group rents there.There are harsh
or angry words exchanged, but nothing bad transpires there. One group of bad guys goes back to the place they are renting in Las Conchas and
at some point, the other bad guys invade their place, take their stuff and rape the woman. That really pisses off the other bad guys so they finally,
after two days, catch up with bad guys 1 at the stadium/sports complex. Now the robees shoot the robors and flee down to Fremont. At that point
the police start shooting at the bad guys 2 and a gun fight evolves. An officer and a bad guy get killed there. It sounds like all participants except
for the police are bad guys.
This is what I put together out of the pieces lying all over the floor. Am I close to right or way off?
As Russ has pointed out, we aren't joined at the hip. Just because I know something, there's no need to assume he does, and vice versa. The Las Conchas robbery was reported on the radio's morning news show. The next day, the story was recanted. I wasn't about to come running over here with a so-called scoop without first getting some reliable information. Two days later the shooting happened, in my first post on the shooting, I mentioned that “A band of bad guys from out of town (Caborca) have been rumored to be behind some recent thievery in Penasco”.So you and Russ knew about it but did not share with the RPTalk community? It takes a front page article (Todays Tucson star) and a Consulate warning to make this board? This board is suppose to break news not follow it. And this happend 2 days before the shooting in town and three days before the Aurora Shooting so it is not a reason that this missed the press. This was placed under the rug for eyes outside not to see or talk about.
What I think is that CONDO's, HOTELS and the Mayan will benefit being secured locations vs free standing homes.