Rocky Point Crime: Are we there yet?

Terry C


If you choose to consume alcohol abroad, drink responsibly and exercise the same smart behaviors you would in the U.S


Well, when the truth is refused to be put out there, this is what will continue to occur, over and over again. :deadhorse:

AZ Miguel

I don't get it? What was wrong with the advice he gave? Did he state anything that is not factual? Very sound advice to young kids that may be traveling SOB for their first time. Might also be a good idea if it's just a couple of kids going to take a shuttle service down for the first time so they can learn where to go and where not to go.

AZ Miguel

Condescending to whom and about what? Please be specific as to exactly what part was condescending? It's sound advice he gave. If anything he stated that One of the benefits of being a UA student is the opportunity to travel to Mexico and experience another country's culture. Thats great news I would think but I'm just a tourist with no financial interests in Penasco other than to relax
As for comparing Penasco to Tucson is apples and oranges. Penasco is a vacation destination that is getting a reputation for drug cartel crime with roving shootouts using automatic weapons. Tucson is a large city, very large city and it has some nut cases that go off the deep end, just like any other large city.
Sedona is also a vacation destination same as Penasco, I would also recommend not going to any sweat lodges.


AZ Miguel, I'm not going to get in a back and forth. I believe it was condescending for the U of A V.P. of Student Affairs to send out a note the first week of school saying: BEWARE OF MEXICO, don't drink, stay in pairs, etc. Why the hell didn't he say the same thing about going out for drinks on 4th Avenue or for tacos south of U of A? I counted 9 murders in a 3 mile radius surrounding U of A in the past 30 days. It's amazing he ignored Tucson's murders and only focused on the incident this past summer.
Well, and these BEWARE-OF-MEXICO alerts are issued annually like clockwork from media, just prior to Labor Day, Spring Break, etc., whether there has been recent violence or not.


AZ Miguel, I'm not going to get in a back and forth. I believe it was condescending for the U of A V.P. of Student Affairs to send out a note the first week of school saying: BEWARE OF MEXICO, don't drink, stay in pairs, etc. Why the hell didn't he say the same thing about going out for drinks on 4th Avenue or for tacos south of U of A? I counted 9 murders in a 3 mile radius surrounding U of A in the past 30 days. It's amazing he ignored Tucson's murders and only focused on the incident this past summer.
Exactly! Whether the advice was sound or not, it's the singling out of Mexico and RP that is the problem.
AZ Miguel, I'm not going to get in a back and forth. I believe it was condescending for the U of A V.P. of Student Affairs to send out a note the first week of school saying: BEWARE OF MEXICO, don't drink, stay in pairs, etc. Why the hell didn't he say the same thing about going out for drinks on 4th Avenue or for tacos south of U of A? I counted 9 murders in a 3 mile radius surrounding U of A in the past 30 days. It's amazing he ignored Tucson's murders and only focused on the incident this past summer.
So the Vice President of U of A should advise his students to leave Tucson and/or abandon their country? Wow, I would love to see the reaction to that letter. I have lived in Mexico for 7 years and I support the tourism effort for Rocky Point. As much as I love living here, it does have certain risks just like living in the United States. What many of you are ignoring with this continued illogical comparison is that anyone living in Tucson or going to U of A is presumed to know the risk of living there. It is not presumed that these students would all realize the risks associated with visiting Mexico for a day or two.
So the Vice President of U of A should advise his students to leave Tucson and/or abandon their country? Wow, I would love to see the reaction to that letter. I have lived in Mexico for 7 years and I support the tourism effort for Rocky Point. As much as I love living here, it does have certain risks just like living in the United States. What many of you are ignoring with this continued illogical comparison is that anyone living in Tucson or going to U of A is presumed to know the risk of living there. It is not presumed that these students would all realize the risks associated with visiting Mexico for a day or two.
With the current "wired" generation, I would hope that they are aware of the violence related to cartel activity in Mexico.....but then again, maybe not...all they do is tweet and facebook!!! (what did my fav movie/sports figure do today...what was the color of his/.her poop?...what did the Kardashians do?)
With the current "wired" generation, I would hope that they are aware of the violence related to cartel activity in Mexico.....but then again, maybe not...all they do is tweet and facebook!!! (what did my fav movie/sports figure do today...what was the color of his/.her poop?...what did the Kardashians do?)
You bring about a good point. I consider it my responsibility to be informed, I search for information. Sadly, the Kardashian/Hilton/Lohan generation does not view things in the same light.


El Pirata
Rockypoint lovers will keep cheering, and haters will always be haters, sometimes they will turn on you, Hey even the senior reporter was down here eating and drinking away, ask anyone that is renting their beach place out, they will even get caught up with the bills and even have income coming in. Don't matter Penasco will be here with or without you!