The tourist police are a new police unit that consists of 20 fully armed and trained officers who have different color uniforms and vehicles. There is at least one officer per vehicle who speaks English and all of the officers have received and will continue to receive English classes and training in the tourist operations and attractions in the county of Caborca, especially in the coastal areas. If a tourist is in a car accident or other problem, the normal police units will be first responders and they will call for the tourist police to assist. The tourist police will also provide tourist developments like Santo Tomas with extra patrols and security. The Caborca city government is putting a map and flyer together for Caborca and the surrounding area that shows tourist developments and attractions. The tourist police will carry these maps and will be able to assist tourists with directions, etc. The idea is to be ambassadors that provide both security and assistance for tourists. This is a very proactive step by the new mayor and his administration. They are very pro-business and very intent on improving local conditions and the economy and making Americans feel welcome and safe in the Caborca municipality.