New Caborca Tourist Police


AKA Carnac
There was NO Red Cross thing. That's exactly how rumors get started. Stuart mis-spoke, I'm sure. There was a problem at one of the hospitals, but not at Red Cross.
Roberto, there were actually 2 that got zipped and lived through it only to be picked up by red cross ambulances (one got delivered to the Clinica San Jose where the hitmen ordered everybody out of the hospital and finished the job) and the other incident if I remember correctly he was taken from the Red Cross ambulance and shot again out of town. He was the hitman that got hit. Thats probably how Clinica San Jose got confused with the Red Cross because of the ambulances.


El Pirata
Melissa and Roberto are actually right, Stewart says one person was shot in the red cross, Yea the sicarios did take that one person from like 12 cops outside of town.


Stuart loves RP as much as the rest of us but chooses to speak w/o the candy coating. I have a lot of friends who'll never come to RP again after the violence. I never go to parts of PHX either but I don't think they care.