Search results

  1. Wood Spinner


    Hey Stuart What do you think about a Resource section. It could be a listing by category for suppliers and a listing by category of homemade devices. An example is the anchor I was just asking about. Ric said buy and Bahiatrader said make it. Thanks for considering Bill
  2. Wood Spinner

    Terminal tackel

    Hi All I know I ask a lot of questions and may seem a little dumb. Almost all of my last many years of fishing has been in lakes and rivers. My dad used to fish Salmon commercially in Norther California so I have some of his old plastic stuff etc. The salt water is a new experience and I want...
  3. Wood Spinner

    Bending 1/4" stainless rod

    I want to make some custom fish hook removers and need info. on bending 1/4" stainless rod. It appears I need about a 1" diameter open circle on the end of the tool. Also can it be threaded with normal threading tools ? The rod I have seen is about $ 6.00 a stick but I have done little...
  4. Wood Spinner

    Boat insurance for Mexico

    What should I have for insurance on the boat in Mexico ? Who would you suggest contacting to buy. The boat will be stored down there and in CG I would like full coverage that will value the boat at more than book because of the full restoration I have done. Thanks Don't Worry Be Happy Bill
  5. Wood Spinner


    Hi Ric I took the boat up to Neil last evening for him to work on. You must have worked the heck out of him this weekend as he was real tired. So I put the boat in his back yard and he will work on it this next week. The dash panel in that boat is a real nightmare as there is not enough wire...
  6. Wood Spinner

    Weather reports

    Below is a message I sent on the San Carlos forum about weather. It also applies to RP and I ask the same question here. No one on SC forum has answered. Don't Worry Be Happy Bill Steve or anyone down there my question is about Bouyweather as compared to Weather Underground. Are either one...
  7. Wood Spinner


    In trying to find these guys--- are the at 4810 N 16 Th St ? Bill.
  8. Wood Spinner

    Brass water intake

    I am ready to install the brass intake scoop on the bottom of the boat but I am not sure of its direction. Logically the scoop side would go to the stern because of the intake pipe location for impact reasons. But not all things being logical I thought I had better question before...
  9. Wood Spinner


    Hey this is to all of you on this forum. Thanks It is really nice to be a part of a group of people who care about each other. And again thanks to all and especially to a few of you that have provided me with special guidance. Don't Worry Be Happy Bill
  10. Wood Spinner


    I am looking for navigational maps and oceanographic maps from the North end of The Sea of Cortez to about 100 miles south of San Carlos. I have done a fairly extensive research but find nothing. Hard or electronic should be fine. I can print to 11 x 17. Don't Worry Be Happy Thanks Bill
  11. Wood Spinner


    Don I was just reviewing some stuff and read your note that the bulkhead fittings are limited in size. In Casa Grande we have a company that specializes in agricultural tanks and spraying equipment. They have tank fittings that are larger and UV safe, but they do get pricey. The fittings are...
  12. Wood Spinner

    Boat registration

    Does anyone know if the mexican side will take a photo copy of the boat registration or do I have to keep the original in my truck ? Don't Worry Be Happy Bill
  13. Wood Spinner


    I know this is going to get varied answers but I need some input. What do I need for electronics for the boat ? Cell phone,Radios, Depth finder with chart plot etc. I do not have a lot of dollars and need to stay in a $1200.00 to $ 1500.00 total range but I also do want quality and display...
  14. Wood Spinner

    Safe Marina

    I stopped in at Safe Marina on Tuesday and ask about prices. The main area no longer does dry storage. The area across the street in now under seperate ownership and you can store there but the sign says it is for sale. If you want Safe marina to launch and pull it is about $ 30.00 plus if...
  15. Wood Spinner

    Upholstery in Rocky Point

    Well the Sea Ray goes down to Franky's on Tuesday to get finished up Then the floor gets painted and sanded and the bait tank goes in. Time to hit the water. I think it will go to fresh water for the test run and to determine where to put the wash down scuppers on the transom. The bait well...
  16. Wood Spinner


    Hi Ric Hey I have a question about the baitwell I am building. It will be as Dons but I was wondering about capacity. Don mentioned you would like more capacity. In the Sea Ray if I set the tank down in the center of floor strorage well the top of the tank is just right to sit on. I could...
  17. Wood Spinner

    Don Bait Well

    Hi Don Did you ever get some Pics of your baitwell ? I sure would like to see it as I am almost ready to build mine. I will be back in Casa Grande on Wed to start working on it. Thanks Bill
  18. Wood Spinner

    DON Bait well

    Hey Don Let us see some pics of your new bait well. What parts, where did you get them etc.? As I have to keep the Sea Ray for a while I need to build one. Don't Worry Be Happy Bill
  19. Wood Spinner

    Stuart San Carlos

    Hey Stuart I may have missed it but I did not see anything about your San Carlos trip ??? Don't Worry Be Happy Bill
  20. Wood Spinner

    No boat for me , right away

    Well, I took a financial hit this last week. Sold a home in Colorado that had a $ 700,000.00 ballon this Nov. The guy had no money and took us to court on a foney deal but due to our financial position we gave in. Now we get 80% of about $ 650,000.00 WHEN IT SELLS. What a bummer! So my boat...