Search results

  1. Wood Spinner


    Well we finaly made it to RP and Plya Del Oro. Beautiful weather and calm seas. After a few problems got the boat in the water and running fine. Played around a little yesterday and going fishing today. As others have said I am having a little problem learning the GPS stuff in the Lourance...
  2. Wood Spinner

    Electronics installed

    All the worry about mounting and when they came it was like they were made custom. Sorry for the over exposure.
  3. Wood Spinner


    Dear Friends: We must act now to prevent the full implementation of the by-catch provisions of Mexico's NOM029-PESCA-2006. These provisions allow commercial fishing boats, using non-selective longline and drift gillnet gear, to catch and sell currently protected sport fish, like marlin and...
  4. Wood Spinner


    Dear Friends: We must act now to prevent the full implementation of the by-catch provisions of Mexico's NOM029-PESCA-2006. These provisions allow commercial fishing boats, using non-selective longline and drift gillnet gear, to catch and sell currently protected sport fish, like marlin and...
  5. Wood Spinner


    Well we are in RP and bought our annual insurance down here. What a savings ! Full coverage on all and for one year on all. Chevy PU $ 20,000.00 value +50k 100k and 10 k lia. Boat Sea Ray $ 10,000.00 $154.00 and the 5th wheel $14,000.00 $42.00 These are sure cheaper than anything I found on...
  6. Wood Spinner


    When the on order stuff gets here the boat is done. I ordered the Lowrance LCX 28c hd and a Lowrance LVR-880 vhf fixed mount radio. I have a spare hand held gps and a second sounder installed. We will be goind down tomorrow with the 5th wheel and will take the boat next week. When we get down...
  7. Wood Spinner


  8. Wood Spinner

    Don------ Combo Unit

    Hi Don I did this as a new topic to get a faster responce. I had prety much decided on the Lowrance LCX- 27C with a Navionics chip bnut after reading your responce I now question the 27 or a 28 unit. Navionics says the maping on the chip is better.Are you aing thaif I buy the 27 and the chip...
  9. Wood Spinner

    Boat striping and lettering

    I just got the Sea Ray re striped. I stripe full length at the water line and one up high about 16 ft long and all 2 in wide. He also put the name Reagan Mae in a fancy curved box on the stern. all that for $ 200.00 and for an extra $ 40.00 he did the fancy boat numbers also. No plastic crap...
  10. Wood Spinner

    Boat in the water

    Well I finaly got the boat on Saguaro lake. First thing I did is to leave the drain plug out and almost sank it on the ramp. Re pulled it and drained it out! At that time I found the fuse link to the bilge pump was blown so no help there and I did not have an extra fuse, I will next time...
  11. Wood Spinner

    selling stuff

    As we sold our Show Low home I have a bunch of stuff to sell. I thought Some of you may be interested. Bill For sale Sold a second home and need to sell Tools 2 table saws 110 vac $ 100.00 220 vac 175.00 Lathe Vickmark 200 1 ½ hp VS with stand...
  12. Wood Spinner

    Flair guns

    Are flair guns for the boat legal in Mexico? Don't Worry, Be Happy Bill
  13. Wood Spinner

    Hi Ric

    I see you are on line ! Hope you refresh before leaving. You know the unit you have is out of my league. Knowing what you know and staying within my $ 1000.00 limit what would you do. I have a Hummingbird 565 fishfinder I can use for a while if you think it will work in the ocean where we...
  14. Wood Spinner

    Lowrance LCX - 27C

    Stu Ric and any body else I think I have made up my mind on this unit. $ 934.80 delivered and it has all the stuff it needs. 7 in dia so it is a tad bigger and the specs seem to be ok. I would appreciate any good or bad input you may have before I make the investment. Boat is done and water...
  15. Wood Spinner

    I need a chartplotter

    Hey all I am looking to possibly buy a used GPS chartplotter. If you have upgraded and have an extra let me know what you have and how much you want for it. My limit now is around $ 350.00. It only needs to be GPS CHARTPLOTTER as I have a depthfinder. You can even leave your old RP way...
  16. Wood Spinner


    OK Happy It sounds as if you know how to do it rite. So tell us ! I have a smoker and lots of wood. Don't Worry Be Happy Bill
  17. Wood Spinner

    Shift lever no neutral

    Well, this should be the boat question for a while. It is all done and ready to lake test except ! The I/O shift lever will not pull out to allow higher RPM in the neutral position. I have had the handle off and I am sure it is something I did as it worked before. Is the bolt that holds the...
  18. Wood Spinner


    Hey bahiatrader What is your name ? Where did you landscape. It is hard to tell on your pic with the mask on but you look like a fellow I used to buy large palm trees from in Phoenix ??? Don't Worry Be Happy Bill
  19. Wood Spinner

    Hey Tyler Contributions to the site.

    I have to believe this site is not free to you. I for one enjoy this site very much as it has been so much help. I would be happy to contribute to its maintenance. I would also think others would do the same. Don't Worry Be Happy Bill
  20. Wood Spinner


    1. I have to believe this site is not free to you. I for one enjoy this site very much as it has been so much help. I would be happy to contribute to its maintenance. I would also think others would do the same. 2. I would also like for the lurkers to this site to join and contribute to...