Search results

  1. Wood Spinner

    Trike races

    OK! I have sat here all weekend and have not had any kind of report of what hapened at Camel Toe and the races. As big as the thread got there had to have been something going on. Was it such a brawl that the memory must be gone. Are you all ashamed of what went on ? ??? Let us all know...
  2. Wood Spinner

    Rosie or Seadweller

    Rosie you mentioned Plastic for recyceling. How about Aluminum cans. What are they worth down there ? I think I can get lots of them as long as there is not a problem at the border. I will pre crush. FOR THE CHILDREN. Let me know.
  3. Wood Spinner

    Room rate discount

    Awhile back someone posted that they could get a discount at a hotel in PP. They said $ 50.00 per night. Can you get a suite at that hotel and how much. Two bedrooms with Queen beds ? may be ! OK full will have to do. I am going to try to make the RACES.
  4. Wood Spinner

    Jerry las dunas

    I could not get a reply to go direct. Oversized spaces for larger units and a storage area on the lot. 50 amp 220 volt services water and sewer. Boat storage area and a launch and retrieve system including marine band radio. For people with small boats and two wheel drive vehicles, a paved boat...
  5. Wood Spinner

    Sovereign life

    Does anyone on this forrum belong to Soverign Life for offshore money holding ?
  6. Wood Spinner

    beachin the blood

    Hey Tell me about Puerto Lobos. I know it is small. How do you get there and how are the roads ? Is there boat launching without a 4 wheel ? Places to park an 35 ft 5th wheel ? Bars and restuarants?
  7. Wood Spinner

    Putting money in a mexican bank

    Please read my thread in the general section. I need advice.
  8. Wood Spinner

    Putting money in a mexican bank

    We will finaly be closing on a home we sold in Colorado and I need to move the money out of the government reach. I do intend to pay taxes etc . but our business owes to the IRS and as the business is owned by us so we need to protect these funds. Any thoughts or experience will help in our...
  9. Wood Spinner

    Ric are you there ?

    We want to go fishing !
  10. Wood Spinner

    Fishing license

    Is there a location in P.P. to buy our anual licenses ? I thought that at the Peso value they may be cheaper there than the $ 48.20 listed on the form. Last year I mailed in to Conapesca in San Diego , CA. and got them back by mail. A pain in the %^*( to have to go and buy cashiers checks...
  11. Wood Spinner


    There is a boat in Casa Grende for sale. Thought you may be interested. I know notheing about it except what the guy told me and his english was a little bad. 1986 Sierra day cruiser 34 ft twin 454 eng. He said they need to get out from under it and owe $ 37,000.00 He said it was on Craig...
  12. Wood Spinner


    Hi Rick Do you have any days open ? We want to come down for a few days and stay in a hotel. I will bring my boat but we want to go out with you also. Let me know.
  13. Wood Spinner

    Stuart Hotel rate

    Hi Stuart Edna and I are thinking odf going down for a few days and dont want to take the 5th wheel. I seem to remember you said that you get a special rate at a hotel down there. Please let me know who to contact and at what hotel. Thanks Bill
  14. Wood Spinner

    Stuart or Tyler

    I don't remember but I think at one time you mentioned thar you also do web hosting. If so let me know how and how much, etc. Thanks Bill
  15. Wood Spinner

    OK How was the weekend

    Whats the scoop? Seemes every one was there and no reports???? I could not go but I want a little envy time.
  16. Wood Spinner


    When did you say you may be down. Edna just told me that we may be able to go down next weekend 15 -- 18 will you be there. I would sure like to buddy up or go together to where you go. Drop me a note!
  17. Wood Spinner

    Stuart / Gout

    Hey Stuart I also have gout and I take daily meds for it. I used to be to a point that I was on cruches at times. The Dr. Rx at two per day but I only take one. As I feel the gout comming on I start with three a day and then second day cut back to two per day for about 12 days. I have not...
  18. Wood Spinner

    Happy and Bill

    I also posted this to fishing I got a nice note from Happy this am and the fight is over and all is calm between us. Happy decided that I had not infringed on the Happy handle and Peace resounds again on our forum. I responded with a sincere thank you !
  19. Wood Spinner

    Happy and Bill

    I got a nice note from Happy this am and the fight is over and all is calm between us. Happy decided that I had not infringed on the Happy handle and Peace resounds again on our forum. I responded with a sincere thank you !
  20. Wood Spinner

    From Bill Hale

    Thanks all I am sincerely sorry that Sally, Happy, tecaterunner or whomever has a problem with me. I mean no disrespect to the "Happy " handle and have never considered my song anything but a song of my personal being and something to help keep me mentally up. My name is " Bill Hale " and...