Search results

  1. Wood Spinner

    Chile cookoff

    Turn out seemed good for a small event. Buy a cup and they keep refilling it at each booth. In front of Pitaya bar next to PDO so good beer and good food for only a few bucks and for a great cause. I heard the brought down over $ 1000.00 worth of stuff for the schools. I have not down...
  2. Wood Spinner

    Surf's up again

    Bouy looks like a no go again this weekend. Well I should be able to get in the toon close in.
  3. Wood Spinner

    22 ft panga

    I checked out the guy who builds the Pangas and here is his responce to my questions. Sure sounds great but I woild like to see a little more free board on a 22 ft boat. Bill, Thanks for the interest in our boats. To answer your questions Yes the decks are self bailing and true self...
  4. Wood Spinner

    Stuart / Gout

    On one of your earlier posts you mention buying Ritradol in Mexico for your gout. Do you have any comparison with that and Allupurinol from the states? Another question is about any potential problem related to kidney failure issues. I am about 20% failure and need to be careful. Thanks
  5. Wood Spinner

    Thanksgiving weekend

    SECOND ANNUAL THANKSGIVING BASH WELL WHAT A WEEKEND IT IS. Thanksgiving day A great gathering of forum folk. We had a closed in place to eat that was very nice and appreciated as it was cold and blowing. Super food and drink with friends; now what could be better than that? Fri. no fishing...
  6. Wood Spinner

    I love being a little kid

    OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY Well Edna should be home in a few min. and we will be on our way. Dinner in RP tonight and get to see you all tomorrow. For all that will not make it down "May you have a wonderful day with family and friends and give thanks for all we do have"
  7. Wood Spinner

    What is the cach of the day?

    Be down over Turkey day weekend plus Mon. and want to do some inshore fishing with Edna in our Pontoon boats. This will be her first trip out in her toon so I would like it to be NICE and memorable. Bouy does not look to good so I was thinking the Estuaries might be the best bet. She has...
  8. Wood Spinner


    Oh Boy Ho boy Oh Boy it's only 6 days to The great Weekend Party time.
  9. Wood Spinner

    HELP ME I AM SINKING Bad blader weld on my Pontoon

    I am not sure this is the right area to post but. We got here yesterday and I find a flat pontoon. I opened it up and find a bad weld on the seam about two inches long and of course my patch kit in AZ. The toon bladder is vinyle. Does anyone have any ideas on patch material I may find down...
  10. Wood Spinner

    Again we want to go fishing

    Edna and I will be down this weekend and want to go fishing for some bigger fish. We will be down Fri afternoon and have to come back Tues am. Would love to share expenses or what ever. We have our own poles. Edna says she does not even need a porta potty as she has her own can:shock:. Drop...
  11. Wood Spinner

    Great warranty service

    I had to post this as it so often goes the other way. It seems in todays economy nobody wants to take care of customers. I got Ednas new pontoon boat and assembeled it. The seat was broken and not usable so I called the factory, CREEK COMPANY. Fellow answers and listens to my story. I told...
  12. Wood Spinner

    Good weekend bad weather

    Got there Friday about noon and had some Pollo. Got a quick invite to dinner by Beachgirl and she made a great fish fry feed for a bunch of us. Very good. Thought we were going fishing on Sat but that fell through so I did a little fron the toon and caught some little stuff, not much. Sunday...
  13. Wood Spinner


    Hey I hope you are OK! As I have not heard from you I had to think something happened and you did not make it down to go fishing. If you get here we are open for Sun And Monday to go out if the weather permits. Drop us a note Bill
  14. Wood Spinner

    Again the usa goes off half cocked

    Again the US Gov has gone off half cocked and said all of Mexico should be avoided. Why don't they tell people to stay out of parts of Phoenix, or parts of New Orleans or for that matter almost parts of every larger American city in the USA.
  15. Wood Spinner

    We want to go fishing

    Hey Is anyone open to take us out fishing. Want bigger fish. Have our own gear and are good fisher people. Boat needs at least a closed area Porta Pottie. Would like to keep the cost not much more that $ 200.00. We will be down on Fri. 15th and leave morning of 19 th. Let me know...
  16. Wood Spinner

    New boat

    Well after bidding and bidding and not getting the boat I want I decided to buy a new boat for Edna. I bought her an XR-1. Well not quite a boat but an 8 ft. pontoon so she can at least go out with me in the shallows. I sure hope she enjoys it. It would be nice to have company out there. As...
  17. Wood Spinner

    Flair guns

    What about having a flair gun in your vehicle ? It is not a weapon it is a safety device. I think if someone pointed a gun at me and I pointed a big barreled flair gun back they would back off. But as always try to stay out of this position. With the crap hapening more often I am becoming a...
  18. Wood Spinner

    Stuart Help please

    Stuart I remember that you have a Cat type boat. I have also been looking at them and am wondeing how they handle the rougher water. I am realy having a tough time making up my mind on what I want. The only thing I know for sure is that it must be outboard motors and I do prefer a CC type boat I...
  19. Wood Spinner


    Stuart I remember that you have a Cat type boat. I have also been looking at them and am wondeing how they handle the rougher water. I am realy having a tough time making up my mind on what I want. The only thing I know for sure is that it must be outboard motors and I do prefer a CC type...
  20. Wood Spinner

    Pfizer anouncement on viagra

    Subject: Pfizer Corp. Pfizer Corp. announced today that Viagra will soon be available in liquidform, and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer. It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himselfa stiff one. Obviously we can no longer call this...