Search results

  1. Wood Spinner

    New to us jeep

    Well we finaly broke down and are buying a 2000 Wrangler Sahara. The Suzuki was fine but the manual transmission was killing my legs. Have to see how it does on the sand with my Pontoon boat trailer behind it. Ready to go to Puerto Lobos again. Anyone looking for a fine little 4 wheel drive...
  2. Wood Spinner

    A place to stay

    If I can talk Edna into going down for a couple of days to fish with Art I will need a clean cheap place to stay. Anyone have the tele No. for Robert at the Pit ? We like it as it is on the beach with a bar and resturant right there and I know he is cheap. Any other ideas welcomed. All the...
  3. Wood Spinner


    Hey Whats the status on the eng. Was it just a blown head gasket or more. Even with all the problems and no fish we still had a great day. Thanks Bill and Edna
  4. Wood Spinner

    Lock your propane

    Well a new thing going on in all of Puerto Penasco RV Parks. My refrigerator shut itself off and indicated we had no propane. I checked the bottles and sure enough they were empty. Not only were they empty they were not my bottles. When I had them filled the Propane guy warned me that there...
  5. Wood Spinner

    May be our last trip for the season

    We will be down Friday 6-3 mid day and staying until Tuesday mid day. We will be pulling the 5th wheel out for the season. Bring it home, clean it up change to fresh water tackel and then on to the mountains for the Summer. Not sure where yet but it will be cooler than here for sure. Fishing...
  6. Wood Spinner

    We want to go fishing week end of 6-3

    Hi all Well the season is ending for us and we will be pulling the 5th wheel out and going to the mountains. So we would like to go out fishing again for possibly the last time this spring. If anyone has room we want to share expenses as we have done in the past. PLEASE We will be down on...
  7. Wood Spinner

    Tired of all of the crap about safety

    As I read the posts I get so tired of all the posts and replies expounding on safety issues in MEXICO. Rocky Point is not Mexico! Daily I watch the news and hear about all of the murders, raping, muggings, robberies etc in Phoenix. Yet the people living there just ignore them and talk about...
  8. Wood Spinner

    Does the expense ever end ( b o a t )

    Well the lower unit water seal went out no my Merc 60 4 stroke. Had it taken apart in PP and brought the parts back to AZ. to replace. I find it takes special tools to reset part of the seals so back down to get the boat and eng. The drive shaft for thAt thing is $ 600 bucks plus seals...
  9. Wood Spinner

    Pp very busy and i need help on my boat eng.

    I have never seen PP this busy. It had to have been a great weekend for all of the business. The folks camped next to us were from Juana in Ca. I ask them why they came all the way here and they said it is way nicer than San Felipe. The ocean was a zoo in close with the jet ski people. They...
  10. Wood Spinner

    Slow trip down

    We came down yesterday. Left Casa Grande about 1:30 and got here at about 7:30. There was a bad roll over accident almost to Lukeville on the US side. Three ambulences and 2 medivac hilos. We undewrstand there were 4 children and some adults involved. Finally on the way again and about 15...
  11. Wood Spinner

    Thefts in Plya De Oro RV Park

    I posed the following question to Linda of Plya De Oro RV park after another theft in the park. Linda Plya De Oro RV Park We have a problem in the park. I use the word we because it effects you and me. You because the long term residents are questioning wheather to come back if there is...
  12. Wood Spinner

    POMPANO / leatherjack

    In a past post it was mentioned that the Pompano - leatherjak was great table fare. They seem to thin to filet and skin so how do you cook them? My preference to cook fish is outside of the 5th wheel. I generaly use the BBQ either dirext or in a pan.
  13. Wood Spinner

    I had to PAY a little Morbida

    Well as careful as I normaly am I got taged. Came over the hill heading home and not thinking was going 77 kph in the 40. Sure enough standing by the tent there were two police officers. She had a Radar gun and shot me dead. He pulled me over and was very polite and spoke good english. Says...
  14. Wood Spinner

    Any body going fishing this weekend

    Edna and I will be going down Thur am and leaving on Mon am to return home. We are ready to go out again and catch some bigger fish. Have our own gear and licenses. Pay expenses plus. We like long days and take care of ourselves. NOT A BURDEN ! Bouy looks pretty good Thur -- Sun Drop me a note.
  15. Wood Spinner

    The navy is checking

    Hey all. Going fishing? For the first time in my life I got checked for boat registration, fishing licenses and a photo id. ( had them all ). They didn't ask about any safety equipment though. May be they just saw it. Navy guy was very nice and spoke prety good english. Remember it is the...
  16. Wood Spinner

    Going down on friday 3-4

    SURE HOPE WE GET A LITTLE BREAK ON THE WEATHER. Taking the tin boat down but it looks as I will be on the toon in close again. Well at least I will be down there and not here. Hope to see some of you.
  17. Wood Spinner

    Fuel prices

    How are the fuel prices doing? Price per liter, diesel and gas prices please. Diesel is out of site here in Casa Grande $ 3.59 per gal. Looks as we will be going less often and for a longer stays.
  18. Wood Spinner

    Weather feb 24 and 13

    LOOKING AT BOUY WEEATHER TODAY ALMOST MAKES ME WANT TO CRY. This looks to be as good as it gets and I am stuck home because Edna has a flower shop. This having her work when she is not getting paid is the pits. Gross sales less cost of business in this economy = $.00 Whine Whine Whine I...
  19. Wood Spinner

    Giving up on a larger boat

    WELL WE HAVE DECIDED THAT DUE TO THE COST OF A BOAT AND RELATIVE SECONDARY COSTS PLUS MY AGE AND HEALTH THAT WE SHOULD JUST CHARTER. As long as you guys will tollerate us and are willing to take us out, for a fee, that is what we will do. Figure 15,000 for a boat, upkeep, fuel,storage, and more...
  20. Wood Spinner


    How about a new thread title. I believe a title for transportation of goods to RP would be handy. I know that, I for one, seem not to read of a transportation need to take stuff down to RP on a timley bassis. We are going down on a fairly regular bassis and would be happy to be of use...