Search results

  1. Wood Spinner

    Jet ski fishing

    Hey I just sold the Sea Ray and am now looking into making a jet ski fishing rig. Does any one have any experience fishing off one? I am thinking a 3 seater because they are bigger and will hold more weight. From what I read it looks like great range especially if you carry an extra few...
  2. Wood Spinner


    Hi Mark Edna And I will be down this weekend along with my Daughter , her husband and children. Any sugestion on a Panga for about 5 hrs.? I do not know how many will go but I will guess we will want the boat to ourselves. At this time I would say Sat. is the most likley day. Thanks Bill Oh...
  3. Wood Spinner

    Radiation allert

    You are all going to get a kick out of this one. A few weeks ago Edna had a Cancerous Thyroide removed. About 8 days later she took a Radioactive Iodine pill to kill any cancer that may have been missed. Last weekend we went down as usual, spent our few days and came back. When we went...
  4. Wood Spinner

    shore kyak or pontoon fishing

    I will be down Fri. pm and if weather ok will be fishing Sat and Sun. I am a pontooner and if anyone wants company just let me know. sorry for double up
  5. Wood Spinner

    Going fishing

    Any one going down this weekend to fish, shore or kyak or pontoon ? I will be down on Fri pm and will be fishing Sat and Sunday if weather permits. Want company give me a heads up and may be we can get together.
  6. Wood Spinner


    Hey Are you going to be down this weekend? I still have a couple of bottles for you.
  7. Wood Spinner

    Another Great Thanksgiving weekend

    Thanks to everyone who worked to provide a splendid Thanksgiving. The weather was a little blowie gut other than that it to was very nice. The company, the food and the comradorie coud not have been better unless more of you had been able to come down. We did not do the boat ride this year as...
  8. Wood Spinner

    Turkey time

    I have looked all over and can not find a start time for Thanksgiving pot luck. I can come early to help if you want. Just let me know. PDO internet has been bad so if you need me stop by the RV and let us know. If not home leave a note PDO #50 End of the entry street last on the right...
  9. Wood Spinner

    How many dolars worth of goods import?

    I may be buying a Split unit AC down there and am wondering about import fees. Do they combine value to the two uf us for one item? I think the price of the AC is about $ 400.00
  10. Wood Spinner

    Way points

    I just got my waterproof portable GPS this weekend and would appreciate a couple of way points close in off PDO. I max going out at about a mile in my inflatable pontoon. I know the close ins are not any secret. I also got a waterproof fishfinder so that will also help me find them.
  11. Wood Spinner

    Laguna De Cortez

    Oh what a wonderful weekend it was. The water was clear and the surface was like glass with a few ripples that glimered in the sunlight. Almost no swells and what there were were only a few inches high. Just high enough to create a quiet splashing sound. The water was cool and refreshing...
  12. Wood Spinner

    Looking to buy a hand held gps

    Was not sure if this should be fishing or general. I am looking at hand held GPS units to use on my little pontoon boat. As I get dumped sometimes comming in it has to be waterproof. Does not have to be fancy. I want to keep the price under $ 200.00. I like the Garmin units because of the...
  13. Wood Spinner

    Not going to make it down

    Well it seems I am destin to not get to PP any time real soon. I got word today that the wire loom needed to repair my truck is on national back order and will not be available for at least a couple of weeks. What a bummer. Any one out there that wants to rent your 1 ton truck with a 5th wheel...
  14. Wood Spinner

    Truck damage

    I just went out into my garage where I keep the PU and found that something had gotten in and torn up the wiring under the Eng. Some wires on the floor but most just hanging there all torn loose and broken broken off. Most of the wires have some kind of a long silver push in plug on the end...
  15. Wood Spinner

    Whats catching close in

    Be down this next weekend afternoon of 29th - 10-3 and wonder what is going on with close in fishing. I will be using my 10 ft. pontoon. Where is best now? Thanks
  16. Wood Spinner

    Comming back finaly

    Well the summer is winding down and it is almost time to be able to come back. I can hardly wait. Those little, soft meat, lazy non agresive Trout just don't compare with the salt water fish. I miss the ocean and Mexico realy bad. I think we will be down at the end of the month. Same place...
  17. Wood Spinner

    Price reduced suzuki samuri 87

    Suzuki Samuri 1987 for sale Price reduced to $ 3800.00 We broke down and bought a 2000 Wrangler Sahara with automatic transmission. I have bad legs and the manual transmission on the Suzuki was killing me. It is a great vehicle in very good condition for its age. I have the rear seat but it...
  18. Wood Spinner

    Price reduced suzuki samuri 87

    Suzuki Samuri 1987 for sale Price reduced to $ 3800.00 We broke down and bought a 2000 Wrangler Sahara with automatic transmission. I have bad legs and the manual transmission on the Suzuki was killing me. It is a great vehicle in very good condition for its age. I have the rear seat but it...
  19. Wood Spinner

    Pemex Fuel prices

    I just came across this web site that posts current fuel prices in Mexico. I know this question comes up on a pretty regular bassis so this should help. It also shows current exchange rates. Here are the prices for...
  20. Wood Spinner

    Suzuki Samuri 1987 for sale

    We broke down and bought a 2000 Wrangler Sahara with automatic transmission. I have bad legs and the manual transmission on the Suzuki was killing me. It is a great vehicle in very good condition for its age. I have the rear seat but it isn not installed. It also has no a/c. Tires are a...