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    Grilled Fish Taco Recipe

    Again, thank you.
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    Check out places you have lived

    This is very cool. Thank you for posting.
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    Grilled Fish Taco Recipe

    Thank you bahiatrader, I will give it a try. I agree that things taste is always better on the beach.
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    Grilled Fish Taco Recipe

    Does anyone have a good recipe for fish tacos that they do not mind sharing. A different spice mixture or marinade possibly.
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    new rooftop bar at PDO?

    Yes, free pour is a method not using a shot glass. One usually uses a count while pouring. More professional and looks better. Pat is the androgynous bartend devoid of any personality. Not just my opinion but every person that I know.
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    new rooftop bar at PDO?

    There is no reason for the Pit not to do well other than Roberto himself. He has the best view in town. He needs to get a manager that knows the business and some bartenders with personality. I am sorry, Pat has to go. Free pour the drinks and have some music that fit the people that are...
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    Semper Fi

    For whatever reason they choose to serve in the service, they have earned the right to be respected by our country. If you pray, then do so. If prayers are not part of your life, then at least give them the respect they deserve.
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    Please Be Patient, ~~~

    I would like to see Grimm back again. We got Rants back, Happy back, now we can spice it up.
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    Roger Clyne next weekend

    Had one of the party flake out. I have an extra ticket. Hit me up on the private message if you are in need. Will take money, beer, or shots. I am not scalping, just recovering. Thank you.
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    Things wrapped in Bacon

    I stand corrected. It did not exist at the time.
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    New Years Crowd in RP

    Thirsty Parrot had a good crowd. Boobar was slow in my opineon. Inside of the Sandbar had a good crowd, The weekend seemed very dead. People that I know are short on money and did not want to spent the money. The trailer folks are gone and many stay in the condo area. I heard that many...
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    Things wrapped in Bacon

    Can we have Rants back? I like bacon and pie. On a personal level I go with bacon.
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    Car Jacking - 12/26/09

    I came down on 1/31/09 and returned today on 1/3/10. Saw now law enforcement. I like it that way. Just my opinion.
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    Fishing Report - 12/20/09

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    Crossing 12/30, w/ expired/no passports

    Pretty much so.
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    Car Jacking - 12/26/09

    They used to trouble me. After the years they don't. We ran into a group of about ten at the old train depot on the El Gulfo run about six years ago. I have photos standing next to them. I don't know why they were there but I have an idea that it had something to do with contraband.
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    Roll call for Christmas/New Year's....

    I will see ya all once in a blue moon at Azbeachboys, aka Chuck. I will bring homemade tomales and beer to wash them down.
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    Do It EVERY Trip, Don't forget!

    I have friends that give me their childrens clothes, toy, and old bikes. I confess that I do not do it evey time but more than not.
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    Childrens Christmas Party

    Very Nice. Merry Christmas.
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    Merry Christmas, Everyone!

    Merry Christmas to all. Hope to see and meet some of you on New Years Eve.