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  1. X

    More killing in Rocky Point???

    AZ Miguel and rockyptjoe are dead on. It is difficult to put any kind of a good spin on this situation. I regret that my days of enjoyment on RP may also be limited. It is not much fun coming down to to a gost town by oneself. Again, people read and believe whay they read. Being gunned down...
  2. X

    More killing in Rocky Point???

    This will set back any return of tourism for a while. I have read what folks have do say on this blog and I am for the most part inclined to agree. I also listen to what my friends and others have to say, and that can't be disregarded either. It is a mess of a perfect storm that will last a...
  3. X

    Make it stop!

    Somehow his post has got lost in translation.
  4. X

    Whale in Playa Encanto

    Makes one long for the jellyfish.
  5. X

    Mexican Independence Day

    Do not forget los fuegos articiales, (fireworks).
  6. X

    Make it stop!

    I like them grilled. Deep fried are always good but you need a good dip.
  7. X

    Make it stop!

    I would suggest Canadian Nightcrawlers. You will get more bang for the buck. It will getworse before it gets better. It will be a few years before it gets better. You can take it to the bank if there are any left.